Saturday, December 08, 2007

Anonymous and nomadic, impersonal and pre-individual singularities

Deleuze says,
"The error of all efforts to determine the transcendental as consciousness is that they think of the transcendental in the image of, and in resemblance to, that which it is supposed to ground" (The Logic of Sense, p. 105).
I don't undertsand this idea that transcendental consciousness must ground anything, but I must allow that Deleuze has a better grasp than I do on the phenomenology of his day, which is the primary target of criticism in this section. This is what Deleuze means by the transcendental:
"Only when the world, teeming with anonymous and nomadic, impersonal and pre-individual singularities, opens up, do we tread at last on the field of the transcendental" (p. 103).
Whose world? Whose transcendental? I'm a little perplexed.

1 comment:

  1. The whole "point" about the Always Already Transcendental Condition is that there is no "we" or "I" to be found there--any sense of "we", or "I", or difference, has to be sacrificed or outshined for the Transcendental to be Realized.
