Transcendent in America: Hindu-Inspired Meditation Movements as ... - Page 230 Lola Williamson - 2010 - 272 pages
The books of Aurobindo and the Mother are filled with descriptions of fantastic journeys into other realms and “bringing down” gods and goddesses ... It calls for people to strive to do and be their best just as Benjamin Franklin did. ...
The books of Aurobindo and the Mother are filled with descriptions of fantastic journeys into other realms and “bringing down” gods and goddesses ... It calls for people to strive to do and be their best just as Benjamin Franklin did. ...
Postcolonial Philosophy of Religion - Page 65 Purushottama Bilimoria, Andrew B. Irvine - 2009 - 340 pages
According to Sri Aurobindo, ... as Sri Aurobindo puts it “God himself by his Prakriti knows, acts, loves, takes delight through my individuality and its figures ...It is only through such ceaseless interaction, even striving, that some ...
According to Sri Aurobindo, ... as Sri Aurobindo puts it “God himself by his Prakriti knows, acts, loves, takes delight through my individuality and its figures ...It is only through such ceaseless interaction, even striving, that some ...
Science, Spirituality and the Modernization of India - Page 164 Makarand Paranjape - 2009 - 296 pages
In hierarchical terms, though it is lower, it is not to be decried as mean; Sri Aurobindo called it 'innate aspiration' to evolve. When this innate aspiration strives for the transformation into higher realms through the medium of ...
In hierarchical terms, though it is lower, it is not to be decried as mean; Sri Aurobindo called it 'innate aspiration' to evolve. When this innate aspiration strives for the transformation into higher realms through the medium of ...
The Little Manual of Enlightenment: 7 Valuable Tips for Those in ... - Page 120 Vikas Malkani - 2009 - 136 pages
Sri Aurobindo, the famous sage fromIndia , put this in different words. He said, “Two forces are always operating in this world at all times and both influence the individual. One is the upward force, the seeking force, the striving for ...
Sri Aurobindo, the famous sage from
The World's Religions After September 11 - Page 10 Arvind Sharma - 2008 - 996 pages
Everyone should strive to attain the higher level of consciousness from that of the animal level to that of man,and the ... There are the teachings of great saints—Shri Ramana Maharshi,Shri Aurobindo, Shri Ramakrishna, Shri Swami Rama, ...
Everyone should strive to attain the higher level of consciousness from that of the animal level to that of man,and the ... There are the teachings of great saints—Shri Ramana Maharshi,Shri Aurobindo, Shri Ramakrishna, Shri Swami Rama, ...
The participatory turn: spirituality, mysticism, religious studies - Page 311 Jorge N. Ferrer, Jorge Noguera Ferrer, Jacob H ... - 2008 - 388 pages
In these struggles, the Gita was an inspiration for Sri Aurobindo and a text that he recommends to spiritually striving allies, but he insists that the Gita as a text is limited by its time and its consciousness, and needs to be carried ...
In these struggles, the Gita was an inspiration for Sri Aurobindo and a text that he recommends to spiritually striving allies, but he insists that the Gita as a text is limited by its time and its consciousness, and needs to be carried ...
Handbook of Indian Psychology K. Ramakrishna Rao, Ajit K. Dalal - 2008 - 672 pages
... schools talk in this context about karma that still needs to be exhausted even after realization, and Sri Aurobindo ... Philosophy tends to strive after the impersonal and the abstract, and in a certain sense, this is the legitimate ...
... schools talk in this context about karma that still needs to be exhausted even after realization, and Sri Aurobindo ... Philosophy tends to strive after the impersonal and the abstract, and in a certain sense, this is the legitimate ...
Sri Aurobindo - A Contemporary Reader Sachidananda Mohanty, Aurobindo Ghose - 2008 - 180 pages
Behind everything in life there is an Absolute, which that thing is seeking after in its own way; everything finite is striving to express an infinite which it feels to be its real truth. Moreover, it is not only each class, each type, ...
Behind everything in life there is an Absolute, which that thing is seeking after in its own way; everything finite is striving to express an infinite which it feels to be its real truth. Moreover, it is not only each class, each type, ...
The perfectibility of human nature in eastern and western thought - Page 146 Harold G. Coward - 2008 - 219 pages
For that to happen another power is required, which Aurobindo calls the Supermind. Only the Supermind, described as ... streets: enlightenment comes from above, while the spiritual mind, through yogic practice, strives to reach upward. ...
For that to happen another power is required, which Aurobindo calls the Supermind. Only the Supermind, described as ... streets: enlightenment comes from above, while the spiritual mind, through yogic practice, strives to reach upward. ...
Religion und die Modernität von Traditionen in Asien: ... - Page 108, Judith Schlehe
- 2008
- 262 pages
To dream, strive and to sing with Sri Aurobindo's Savitri'. A lonely freedom cannot satisfy A heart that has grown one with every heart I am a deputy of the aspiring world My spirit's liberty I ask for all (Sri Aurobindo 1954). ...
To dream, strive and to sing with Sri Aurobindo's Savitri'. A lonely freedom cannot satisfy A heart that has grown one with every heart I am a deputy of the aspiring world My spirit's liberty I ask for all (Sri Aurobindo 1954). ...
The Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach - Page 441 Robert Simmons, Naisha Ahsian, Hazel Raven - 2007 - 465 pages
Sri Aurobindo encouraged a new view of the goal of spiritual striving — the goal , not of an escape from the world into Nirvana, but of bringing the Divine energies into manifestation in the world of matter through us, His name for the ...
Sri Aurobindo encouraged a new view of the goal of spiritual striving — the goal
An Illust History Of Indian Lit In English - Page 122 Arvind Krishna Mehrotra - 2005 - 406 pages
The highest poetry came from what Aurobindo termed 'overhead' planes, and approaches the absolute perfection of the 'inevitable' word. In the poems he wrote inPondicherry , Aurobindo strove to capture the loftiness and inevitability of the inspired rhythmic word, the mantra. Much, though not all, of this poetry was spiritual in inspiration. Like mystics of all lands ... A history of Indian literature in English - Page 122 - 2003 –
The highest poetry came from what Aurobindo termed 'overhead' planes, and approaches the absolute perfection of the 'inevitable' word. In the poems he wrote in
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1998
... WHILE Savitri appears as a direct descent from the Supreme, it must be remembered that Sri Aurobindo strove for five decades to make the descent ' ' near to earth's wideness, [and] intimate with heaven." Savitri is the finest vision ...
... WHILE Savitri appears as a direct descent from the Supreme, it must be remembered that Sri Aurobindo strove for five decades to make the descent ' '
The encyclopedia of Eastern philosophy and religion: Buddhism, ... Ingrid Fischer-Schreiber, Stephan Schuhmacher ... - 1994 - 468 pages
In his Integral Yoga, Aurobindo strove to connect the "ascent" to divine consciousness with an opening to the "descent" of the divine principle into the material world, whereby man ultimately becomes a "superman" of supramental ...
In his Integral Yoga, Aurobindo strove to connect the "ascent" to divine consciousness with an opening to the "descent" of the divine principle into the material world, whereby man ultimately becomes a "superman" of supramental ...
The Indian journal of English studies Indian Association for English Studies - 1987
Sri Aurobindo strives for a reconciliation of good and evil within the lndian philosophical system. "The Tiger and the Deer'' is refreshingly free from abstract philosophical terms such as "remote unknown", "hazy unknown'', ...
Sri Aurobindo strives for a reconciliation of good and evil within the lndian philosophical system. "The Tiger and the Deer'' is refreshingly free from abstract philosophical terms such as "remote unknown", "hazy unknown'', ...
20th century Indian interpretations of Bhagavadgita: Tilak, ... P. M. Thomas - 1987 - 204 pages
... of Aurobindo strives not only at a synthesis of the three Yogas of the ... - Book overview -
... of Aurobindo strives not only at a synthesis of the three Yogas of the ... - Book overview -
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1986
Shivaji himself was a devotee of Bha- vani who, he felt, actually inspired and guided him. Following the messages of the Gita, the Upanishads and the Veda Sri Aurobindo strove to justify the existence of divinty in man's soul, ...
Shivaji himself was a devotee of Bha- vani who, he felt, actually inspired and guided him. Following the messages of the Gita, the Upanishads and the Veda Sri Aurobindo strove to justify the existence of divinty in man's soul, ...
Sri Aurobindo: a biography and a history K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar - 1985 - 812 pages
Neither here on earth, nor there in Indra's heaven, but in some incredible space -station in mid-air! What Sri Aurobindo strove for was something quite different : it was to change the world, this world, to transfigure into a New Heaven and a New Earth this bank and these meadows of Time. As he recapitulated in the course of an interview ...
Neither here on earth, nor there in Indra's heaven, but in some incredible space
Mother India: monthly review of culture 1982
Sri Aurobindo strives to awaken and develop the inner light which has a kinship with that higher light. As the Upanishad says, "Know that knowledge by which all other knowledge is known." Sri Aurobindo the Guru is particular to light in ...
Sri Aurobindo strives to awaken and develop the inner light which has a kinship with that higher light. As the Upanishad says, "Know that knowledge by which all other knowledge is known." Sri Aurobindo the Guru is particular to light in ...
Индиан-Энглиш литературе: а перспективе Елена Яковлевна Калинникова, Каушал Кисноре Шарма - 1982 - 232 pages
... where Aurobindo strives for a harmonious reconciliation of 'good and evil', 'weakness and strength', originating from the traditional concept, according to which, the evil is inevitably destroyed, and the good, even sacrificed, ...
... where Aurobindo strives for a harmonious reconciliation of 'good and evil', 'weakness and strength', originating from the traditional concept, according to which, the evil is inevitably destroyed, and the good, even sacrificed, ...
The quest for political and spiritual liberation: a study in the ... June O'Connor - 1977 - 153 pages
... this is the goal to which Hinduism points humanity. And this is the goal toward which Aurobindo strove in his own personal struggle to integrate the political and the spiritual. The Struggle toward Integration Aurobindo' s essays ...
... this is the goal to which Hinduism points humanity. And this is the goal toward which Aurobindo strove in his own personal struggle to integrate the political and the spiritual. The Struggle toward Integration Aurobindo' s essays ...
The yogi and the mystic: a study in the spirituality of Sri ... Jan Feys - 1977 - 371 pages
Now, the self prolongs the ego, and the ego is the source of action. Theoretically, then, the self could integrate action, along with the ego and matter. But, as we have recalled above, the self Sri Aurobindo strives to realize is in fact non-active. In there any compelling reason why this should be so? The self , before becoming the cosmic self, is realised in aloofness from matter. ...
Now, the self prolongs the ego, and the ego is the source of action. Theoretically, then, the self could integrate action, along with the ego and matter. But, as we have recalled above, the self Sri Aurobindo strives to realize is in fact non-active. In there any compelling reason why this should be so? The self
The Statesman: an anthology, [1875-1975] Rañjana - 1975 - 623 pages
Yet even while Sri Aurobindo strove for a political awakening, his mind turned constantly to profound and universal problems of man's spiritual regeneration, and it was on these that he concentrated after 1910, becoming revered as a ...
Yet even while Sri Aurobindo strove for a political awakening, his mind turned constantly to profound and universal problems of man's spiritual regeneration, and it was on these that he concentrated after 1910, becoming revered as a ...
The 'Library Journal' Book Review R. R. Bowker LLC - 1973 - 820 pages
Like Shankara, the Hindu philosopher of the 9th Century, Aurobindo strives for unity in Brahman. Unlike Shankara, for whom the world hides the truth of Brahman and therefore must be annihilated, Aurobindo believes in the possible ...
Like Shankara, the Hindu philosopher of the 9th Century, Aurobindo strives for unity in Brahman. Unlike Shankara, for whom the world hides the truth of Brahman and therefore must be annihilated, Aurobindo believes in the possible ...
The poetry of Aurobindo: an oriental response to western materialism 1972 - 372 pages
The perfect life on earth, according to the vision that Aurobindo strove to fulfill both in his writings and in his spiritual work, means this greater manifestation of the truth. The union of Satyavan and Savitri symbolically ushers in ...
The perfect life on earth, according to the vision that Aurobindo strove to fulfill both in his writings and in his spiritual work, means this greater manifestation of the truth. The union of Satyavan and Savitri symbolically ushers in ...
The radical thinkers: Heidegger and Sri Aurobindo Rhoda Priscella Le Cocq - 1972
- 214 pages
Nature herself, to Sri Aurobindo, is striving to evolve the next highest form of consciousness in man. Man cooperates — or goes against this Higher Will behind Nature. One nation may pick up one necessary thread, another nation, ...
Nature herself, to Sri Aurobindo, is striving to evolve the next highest form of consciousness in man. Man cooperates — or goes against this Higher Will behind Nature. One nation may pick up one necessary thread, another nation, ...
India's evolution, its meaning Sisirkumar Mitra - 1968 - 157 pages
... just on the eve of the Calcutta sessions of the Indian National Congress at which the New Nationalist Party, organised by Sri Aurobindo, strove 'to get entire self-government recognised as the ideal of the Congress, and Swadeshi and ...
... just on the eve of the Calcutta sessions of the Indian National Congress at which the New Nationalist Party, organised by Sri Aurobindo, strove 'to get entire self-government recognised as the ideal of the Congress, and Swadeshi and ...
Life in Sri Aurobindo Ashram Narayan Prasad - 1965 - 319 pages
Sri Aurobindo strove like a Bhagiratha to extend the anti- partition agitation all overIndia . The other leaders were unwilling to treat the issue as an all- India question: they regarded it as Bengal 's own problem. ... Mother India Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1958
Sri Aurobindo strove like a Bhagiratha to extend the anti- partition agitation all over
Outlines of Hinduism T. M. P. Mahadevan - 1961
- 312 pages
The ideal of divine humanity will then be accomplished, and the world will be transformed into theKingdom of God . It was towards this consummation that Sri Aurobindo strove; through integral Yoga his aim was to transmute animal ...
The ideal of divine humanity will then be accomplished, and the world will be transformed into the
The Indian spirit and the world's future Kaikhushru Dhunjibhoy Sethna - 1953 - 281 pages
Ultimately most prophets were for the Beyond while Sri Aurobindo strives to bring the Beyond down to earth-concreteness and make God manifest here and now in a new humanity and a new earth. World-affairs are closely connected with his ...
Ultimately most prophets were for the Beyond while Sri Aurobindo strives to bring the Beyond down to earth-concreteness and make God manifest here and now in a new humanity and a new earth. World-affairs are closely connected with his ...
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