The strides of Vishnu: Hindu culture in historical perspective - Page 215 Ariel Glucklich - 2008 - 241 pages
But Chaitanya, Tulsidas, and Aurobindo were not historians or professional philosophers either, and they refused to reduce all ... intellectual program today—persists in the Hinduism my students have encountered in suburbanWashington ,...
But Chaitanya, Tulsidas, and Aurobindo were not historians or professional philosophers either, and they refused to reduce all ... intellectual program today—persists in the Hinduism my students have encountered in suburban
Indian English poetry and fiction: critical elucidations - Page 41 A.N. Prasad Rajiv K.Malik, Amar Nath Prasad - 2007 - 290 pages
The myth of Savitri has been lifted out of the morass of passive acceptance into which it had sunk. Sri Aurobindo has expanded a story into an epic and given us back our heritage, in a glorified form. Very few other interpreters have ...
The myth of Savitri has been lifted out of the morass of passive acceptance into which it had sunk. Sri Aurobindo has expanded a story into an epic and given us back our heritage, in a glorified form. Very few other interpreters have ...
Paradigmas, culturas y saberes: la transmisión del conocimiento ... Natalia Priego, Sonia Lozano, Asociación de ... - 2007 - 248 pages
Sri Aurobindo y Savitri», en JRC y. FG Carbajo: Poesía historica y (autobiográfica (1975-1999).Madrid : Visor Libros, 516-523. Real Najarro, O. (2007): «Naipaul vs.Aurobindo: Encounters and ...
Sri Aurobindo y Savitri», en JRC y. FG Carbajo: Poesía historica y (autobiográfica (1975-1999).
Race and Racialization: Essential Readings - Page 108 Tania Das Gupta - 2007 - 375 pages
Aurobindo, a spiritual source of emulation for both the Hindutva movement and for some remarkably reactionary strands ... the mixture of the blood of the Aryans and the people they encountered that gave rise to Vedic-Hindu civilisation, ...
Aurobindo, a spiritual source of emulation for both the Hindutva movement and for some remarkably reactionary strands ... the mixture of the blood of the Aryans and the people they encountered that gave rise to Vedic-Hindu civilisation, ...
Roadsigns: navigating your path to spiritual happiness - Page 39 Philip Goldberg - 2006 - 275 pages
The 20th-century master Sri Aurobindo summed it up this way: “Mind has to cease to be mind and become brilliant with ... Only in the cessation of thought can the Ultimate be encountered. Only in the shift from busy thinking to quiet ...
The 20th-century master Sri Aurobindo summed it up this way: “Mind has to cease to be mind and become brilliant with ... Only in the cessation of thought can the Ultimate be encountered. Only in the shift from busy thinking to quiet ...
Guru English: South Asian religion in a cosmopolitan language - Page 171 Srinivas Aravamudan - 2006 - 330 pages
The code name for the Indian tests explained their rationale in a single word we have already encountered: Shakti. In a manner reminiscent of Bankim andAurobindo, religious zealots suggested building a temple to the goddess Shakti in...
The code name for the Indian tests explained their rationale in a single word we have already encountered: Shakti. In a manner reminiscent of Bankim andAurobindo, religious zealots suggested building a temple to the goddess Shakti in...
Empire, the national, and the postcolonial, 1890-1920: resistance ... - Page 63 Elleke Boehmer - 2005 - 239 pages
This Europeanized Gita, in effect a Western construction, was the version which many Indian nationalists first encountered. Both Gandhi and Aurobindo, to quote only two examples, first read the Gita in English translation (Sir Edwin ...
This Europeanized Gita, in effect a Western construction, was the version which many Indian nationalists first encountered. Both Gandhi and Aurobindo, to quote only two examples, first read the Gita in English translation (Sir Edwin ...
The Kundalini Book of Living and Dying: Gateways to Higher ... - Page 98 Ravindra Kumar, Jytte Larsen - 2004 - 274 pages
Orthodox religions call it God.10 Thus, the psyche of Jung, the Atman of SriAurobindo, and the soul of Meher Baba are all quantum in nature, having many more properties than quantum theory has discovered so far. ...
Orthodox religions call it God.10 Thus, the psyche of Jung, the Atman of SriAurobindo, and the soul of Meher Baba are all quantum in nature, having many more properties than quantum theory has discovered so far. ...
The new encyclopedia of the occult - Page 18 John Michael Greer - 2003 - 555 pages
This ambition was more than satisfied when they encountered AurobindoGhose, ... to the development of Aurobindo's system of Integral Yoga, which hassubstantial similarities to the Philosophic Cosmique she learned from Max Theon....
This ambition was more than satisfied when they encountered AurobindoGhose, ... to the development of Aurobindo's system of Integral Yoga, which hassubstantial similarities to the Philosophic Cosmique she learned from Max Theon....
Hinduism in public and private: reform, Hindutva, gender, and ... Antony R. H. Copley - 2003 - 303 pages
All four ideas were in fact in general circulation from the beginning of the nineteenth century, and Aurobindo certainly encountered them in his reading of Indian religious innovators andWestern Indologists , as well as certain European ...
All four ideas were in fact in general circulation from the beginning of the nineteenth century, and Aurobindo certainly encountered them in his reading of Indian religious innovators and
The perennial quest for a psychology with a soul: an inquiry into ... - Page 281 Joseph Vrinte - 2002 - 568 pages
Obstacles should be encountered as something wrong in the machinery of human nature, which has to be changed, ... 68 By purity Sri Aurobindo means freedom from all desire, egoism and attachment but later, as the process of purification ...
Obstacles should be encountered as something wrong in the machinery of human nature, which has to be changed, ... 68 By purity Sri Aurobindo means freedom from all desire, egoism and attachment but later, as the process of purification ...
Sri Aurobindo Ghose: the dweller in the lands of silence William Kluback, Michael Finkenthal - 2001 - 167 pages
ways Sri Aurobindo has found to express his thinking of the idea of Ananda, we can't deny the centricity of this idea and its experience. He brought the reality of Ananda to every poet whom he encountered. He believed that a change was ...
ways Sri Aurobindo has found to express his thinking of the idea of Ananda, we can't deny the centricity of this idea and its experience. He brought the reality of Ananda to every poet whom he encountered. He believed that a change was ...
Bede Griffiths: a life in dialogue - Page 141 Judson B. Trapnell - 2001 - 279 pages
In a passage reminiscent of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and Aurobindo Ghose, he writes concerning the development of matter as follows: [I]t has to go through various stages of evolution before it can be capable of life; and again life ...
In a passage reminiscent of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and Aurobindo Ghose, he writes concerning the development of matter as follows: [I]t has to go through various stages of evolution before it can be capable of life; and again life ...
Boston Confucianism: portable tradition in the late-modern world - Page 127 Robert C. Neville - 2000 - 258 pages
East Asian philosophy encountered Western philosophy seriously in the nineteenth century through the allures of ... No Western philosopher has to remain only a Western philosopher after coming to terms with philosophies from other ...
East Asian philosophy encountered Western philosophy seriously in the nineteenth century through the allures of ... No Western philosopher has to remain only a Western philosopher after coming to terms with philosophies from other ...
Tradition and the rhetoric of right: popular political argument in ... - Page 61 David J. Lorenzo - 1999 - 339 pages
One analyst of Aurobindo's political activities, Jean Sherer, argues that only the modernist aspects of Aurobindo's early career are important. Her thesis is that during the Partition crisis and after, Aurobindo "encountered" the world ...
One analyst of Aurobindo's political activities, Jean Sherer, argues that only the modernist aspects of Aurobindo's early career are important. Her thesis is that during the Partition crisis and after, Aurobindo "encountered" the world ...
The oneness/otherness mystery: the synthesis of science and mysticism - Page 519 Sutapas Bhattacharya - 1999
- 677 pages
The mental being rising up into this higher plane has to transform its movements into the movements of the vijnana plane. ... It sees, says Aurobindo, not only the physical aspect of the object but the vibration of energy, the light and ...
The mental being rising up into this higher plane has to transform its movements into the movements of the vijnana plane. ... It sees, says Aurobindo, not only the physical aspect of the object but the vibration of energy, the light and ...
Coming into being: artifacts and texts in the evolution of ... - Page 183 William Irwin Thompson - 1998 - 336 pages
In the racist scholarship of his day, Aurobindo encountered the racial theory of the Aryan invasion of the dark, Dravidian plain. As he began to learn various Indian languages, he found this neat division between dark and white ...
Sri Aurobindo Ashram: its role, responsibility, and future ... Jugal Kishore Mukherjee - 1997
- 91 pages
For, Sri Aurobindo has assured us, Nature is ready and has taken the evolutionary decision and along with it, ... As a result all the difficulties encountered on the Path will be progressively overcome and a first evolutionary formation ...
Sri Aurobindo Ashram: its role, responsibility, and future ... Jugal Kishore Mukherjee - 1997
For, Sri Aurobindo has assured us, Nature is ready and has taken the evolutionary decision and along with it, ... As a result all the difficulties encountered on the Path will be progressively overcome and a first evolutionary formation ...
The masters revealed: Madam Blavatsky and the myth of the Great ... - Page 44 K. Paul Johnson - 1994 - 288 pages
Mirra, now known as The Mother, spent the last fifty-three years of her long life at the Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry. But preceding that were forty-two eventful years of preparation. She first encountered Max Theon (Supreme God! ...
Mirra, now known as The Mother, spent the last fifty-three years of her long life at the Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry. But preceding that were forty-two eventful years of preparation. She first encountered Max Theon (Supreme God! ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1993
Keep in mind what Sri Aurobindo has said about his own work. After referring to the terrific difficulties he has faced in the new earth-transforming Yoga he hastoiled at — difficulties greater than any encountered by any spiritual ...
Keep in mind what Sri Aurobindo has said about his own work. After referring to the terrific difficulties he has faced in the new earth-transforming Yoga he hastoiled at — difficulties greater than any encountered by any spiritual ...
Rabindranath Tagore: diverse dimensions - Page 182 Mohit Chakrabarti - 1990
- 191 pages
The heaven's river has drowned its banks and the flood of joy is abroad. — Geetanjali, 57 The fame sense of mystic vision is encountered in Sri Aurobindowho adorns imageries with the symbols of intense assertion ...
The heaven's river has drowned its banks and the flood of joy is abroad. — Geetanjali, 57 The fame sense of mystic vision is encountered in Sri Aurobindowho adorns imageries with the symbols of intense assertion ...
How they came to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother: twenty-nine true ... Shyam Kumari - 1990
- 257 pages
The Mother replied, "Yes, but has she facilities for getting the Group uniform tailored outside the Ashram?" L's sister answered that L knew ... Next morning in the Ashram she encountered a lady who was carrying a tray of "Surrender" ...
The Mother replied, "Yes, but has she facilities for getting the Group uniform tailored outside the Ashram?" L's sister answered that L knew ... Next morning in the Ashram she encountered a lady who was carrying a tray of "Surrender" ...
Sri Aurobindo, a brief biography Peter Heehs - 1989 - 172 pages
Sri Aurobindo had encountered a number of spiritual teachers but had received initiation from none of them. He had learned pranayama from a friend — a fact that helps explain his near-fatal illness. The friend's guru, Swami Brahmananda ...
Sri Aurobindo had encountered a number of spiritual teachers but had received initiation from none of them. He had learned pranayama from a friend — a fact that helps explain his near-fatal illness. The friend's guru, Swami Brahmananda ...
The concept of man in Sri Aurobindo and other themes Madhav Pundalik Pandit - 1987 - 439 pages
He saw the Cosmic Godhead in each person he encountered — convicts, warders, fellow-prisoners. ... and within four years gathered a body of Knowledge and Experience which has been presented in his metaphysical work, The Life Divine. ...
He saw the Cosmic Godhead in each person he encountered — convicts, warders, fellow-prisoners. ... and within four years gathered a body of Knowledge and Experience which has been presented in his metaphysical work, The Life Divine. ...
Aurobindo's philosophy of Brahman - Page 78 Stephen H. Phillips - 1986 - 200 pages
Aurobindo, who implies that he was as a student atheistic or at least agnostic and not at all concerned with religious ... Thus he must have encountered in his daily life before that time diverse Hindu theists (also Muslim and Christian ...
Aurobindo, who implies that he was as a student atheistic or at least agnostic and not at all concerned with religious ... Thus he must have encountered in his daily life before that time diverse Hindu theists (also Muslim and Christian ...
The ever-present origin Jean Gebser - 1985 - 614 pages
From a different point of departure (the principles of Darwinian evolution), Teilhard de Chardin has developed lines of thought closely akin to the basic conception shared by Sri Aurobindo and the present author. He has recorded these ...
From a different point of departure (the principles of Darwinian evolution), Teilhard de Chardin has developed lines of thought closely akin to the basic conception shared by Sri Aurobindo and the present author. He has recorded these ...
Dante and Sri Aurobindo: a comparative study of The divine comedy ... Prema Nandakumar - 1981 - 160 pages
But Sri Aurobindo does not put real-life persons among the sinners as Dante did, for in our age that would be melodramatic or border on the absurd. At the same time, don't we know that the world has "sinners", some even among our own ...
But Sri Aurobindo does not put real-life persons among the sinners as Dante did, for in our age that would be melodramatic or border on the absurd. At the same time, don't we know that the world has "sinners", some even among our own ...
Neo-Hegelian and neo-Advaitic monism: a study in converging ... Lakshmī Saksenā - 1980
- 198 pages
Voicing his protest against any form of a hasty comparison to that of the Western Absolutist, Aurobindo has rightly remarked, "To the West, Thought is the be-all and the end-all. It is by intellectual thinking and speculation that the ...
Voicing his protest against any form of a hasty comparison to that of the Western Absolutist, Aurobindo has rightly remarked, "To the West, Thought is the be-all and the end-all. It is by intellectual thinking and speculation that the ...
On the Mother: the chronicle of a manifestation and ministry K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar - 1978
- 847 pages
Hence the defeat that this descended Power has encountered from the mass of humanity. At first, when the descent actually took place in 1946 (almost ten ... SriAurobindo knew what had happened, but that was about all, for not even the ...
Hence the defeat that this descended Power has encountered from the mass of humanity. At first, when the descent actually took place in 1946 (almost ten ... SriAurobindo knew what had happened, but that was about all, for not even the ...
Sri Aurobindo and Bergson: a synthetic study Abhoy Chandra Bhattacharya - 1972 - 282 pages
... supra-personal spirit has the potentiality of reasserting itself and overcoming the interruptions that it has encountered. Thus explained, Bergson is quite clear. But as we have said earlier, he could not complete his theory fully. ...
... supra-personal spirit has the potentiality of reasserting itself and overcoming the interruptions that it has encountered. Thus explained, Bergson is quite clear. But as we have said earlier, he could not complete his theory fully. ...
Worthy is the world: the Hindu philosophy of Sri Aurobindo Beatrice Bruteau - 1972
- 288 pages
LD, 1023) Aurobindo speaks of this attitude as "impatience of heart and mind, vehement attraction to an ultimate ... But the greatest source of temptation to deny the world has been the obstacle encountered in the human body itself. ...
LD, 1023) Aurobindo speaks of this attitude as "impatience of heart and mind, vehement attraction to an ultimate ... But the greatest source of temptation to deny the world has been the obstacle encountered in the human body itself. ...
Vedanta and Christian faith Bede Griffiths - 1968
- 47 pages
Can the Vedanta learn from Christian faith, as it has learned from the different currents of Saivite and Vaishnavite faith, which it has encountered in the course of its history, and so develop along new lines? ...
Can the Vedanta learn from Christian faith, as it has learned from the different currents of Saivite and Vaishnavite faith, which it has encountered in the course of its history, and so develop along new lines? ...
The Hindu : Other States - Puducherry News : Auroville shows the Auroville shows the world spirit of unity: Sibal Staff Reporter Tuesday, Jul 13, 2010 PUDUCHERRY:
Lauding the concept of Auroville, Union Minister for Human Resource Development Kapil Sibal said “it is larger than life and it is much more than India is.”
“We all live in an imperfect world and perfection is one we strive to achieve,” he said, adding that Auroville has shown the world the importance of spirit of unity and humanness. “It symbolises what we ought to have gone across the world,” he said addressing the Aurovillians after launching Passage, an educational magazine. …
Union Minister of State for Planning, Parliamentary Affairs and Culture V. Narayanasamy also attended the function.
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