another shining example of trumpery from Object-Oriented Philosophy by doctorzamalek (Graham Harman) Jul 27, 2010
Quantum theory is less than 100 years old, so perhaps it’s not quite in a position yet to consign the libraries of the millennia to the ranks of naive village superstition. Especially not when QED founder Richard Feynman said that “no one understands quantum theory,” and I’m aware of nothing since his death to have changed that reality.
Philosophy and religion: essays in interpretation Jarava Lal Mehta, Indian Council of ... - 1990 - 292 pages J.L. Mehta on Heidegger, hermeneutics, and Indian tradition - Page 4
My life-work has been too intimately visited by modern secular winds for me to be able to take unquestioningly for granted my inherited modes of thought and living. But I am also unable, because my bond with tradition is not broken, to take the modern present as normative or as giving me a right to sit in judgement on those traditional norms which still reach down to me with magisterial authority. 6:17 PM
Consciousness and Its Transformation - Introduction Integral psychotherapy: personal encounters, Soumitra Basu
, Matthijs Cornelissen (Ed.) (2001)
My problem is that my training as an analyst does not suffice to unlock the riddle of existence. While I believe that the Freudian subconscious is the source of our atavistic and biological drives, I cannot also ignore the mystic’s description of the superconscious as the source of our highly evolved impulses. This means that one suffers not only from repression of one’s biological drives but also can suffer from suppression of the sublime. (Reddy, 1988)
This also means that to increase my repertory of counselling skills, I need a framework of reference where the subconscious and the superconscious are both accommodated in their proper places. This pursuit leads me to a search for a model of Integral Psychotherapy. A model of integral psychotherapy needs to be preceded by a model of integral psychology which is a paradigm of psychology that emerges from a consciousness perspective.
At the same time I should like to emphasis that I have never built up a philosophy of my own or wished to establish a new school of thought. Perhaps the greatest thing I have learnt is never to think for myself; I fully agree with Andre Gide that "Toutes choses sont dites deja", and what I have sought is to understand what has been said, while taking no account of the "inferior philosophers". Holding with Heraclitus that the Word is common to all, and that Wisdom is to know the Will whereby all things are steered, I am convinced with Jeremias that the human cultures in all their apparent diversity are but the dialects of one and the same language of the spirit, that there is a "common universe of discourse" transcending the differences of tongues". After dinner speech on the occasion of his 70th birthday 1947, Boston