"The arrival of a new radical idea in the minds of men is the sign of a great coming change in human life and society; it may be combated, the reaction of the old idea may triumph for a time, but the struggle never leaves either the thoughts and sentiments or the habits and institutions of the society as they were when it commenced"
"Its highest knowledge is often abstract, lacking in a concrete grasp; it has to use expedients and unsure means of arrival, to rely upon methods of inductive or dedutctive logic, suceeding only if it is the same data different results and varying consequences; it has to use means and accept results of a method which is hazardous even when making a claim to certitude and of which there would be no need if it had a direct or a supra-intellectual knowledge. "
"A transformation of the body must be the condition for a total transformation of the nature."
human nature is an oxymoron. self-awareness removes responsibility to the observer, this behavior develops MANners, the environment becomes victim as much as it seems to victimize.