Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Unflinching spirit of Sri Aurobindo for humanity

 Collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra

[B] Sri Aurobindo: The Life and Teachings of a Revolutionary Philosopher

R Dalal - 2023 -
301 days ago - … Sri Aurobindo's entire body of work is compiled in thirty-seven volumes entitled the … Vedas, Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita - while also going beyond them Sri Aurobindo …

The View from the Future: Aurobindo Ghose's Anticolonial Darwinism

IS Marwah - American Political Science Review, 2024 -
336 days ago - … I aim to show how Aurobindo Ghose, one of the early Indian anticolonial movement’s leading lights, consolidated a wide range of fin-de-siècle political Darwinisms into a …

[B] Socio-political Ideas of Aurobindo Ghose

B Chakrabarty - 2023 -
331 days ago - … Aurobindo's argument in defence of India's ancient texts suggests that he had already started a new intellectual journey when he drew sustenance from the Vedas and …


R Naidu, P Dasgupta - … Journal of Futuristic Innovation in Arts …, 2023 -
333 days ago - … are chiefly based on Upanishads and Vedas. In 1910, he … In these essays Sri Aurobindo introduced some general … The present paper focuses on the Sri Aurobindo‟s …

[HTML] An exploration of human identity based on the work of Sri Aurobindo

M Cornelissen -
323 days ago - … The Vedic tradition has provided us with excellent tools to explore these furthest ranges of human potential, and psychology would fail in its duty if it did not make full use of …

'Lotus and the Dagger': A Reading of Vedantic Nationalism of Sri Aurobindo

N Chakraborty - SARE: Southeast Asian Review of English, 2023 -
317 days ago - … , as expounded in the Vedas and the Upanishads. Sri Aurobindo’s writings on political … Sri Aurobindo’s ‘political vedantism’ is an attempt to restructure the political and …

[HTML] Mirra Alfassa: Completing Sri Aurobindo's Vision

P Beldio - Religions, 2023 -
308 days ago - … Sri Aurobindo’s Yoga is the joint creation of Sri Aurobindo … by the Mother, Sri Aurobindo supports her from behind. All … He directed his students to study the Vedas and other …

[B] Prefiguring Utopia: The Auroville Experiment

SA Clarence-Smith - 2023 -
277 days ago - … Karma Yoga is one of the three paths of yoga, according to Vedic scripture. It is elucidated in The Bhagavad Gita, a foundational text for Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy and …

[PDF] Evolution of Aesthetics: Navigating the Intersection of Traditional and New Media Art Practices in India

MA Ratn, F Deeba - Evolution, 2023 -
271 days ago - … Sri Aurobindo, a prominent figure in Indian literary criticism, presents a comprehensive and synthetic approach to aesthetics rooted in Vedas and Upanishads. Traditional …

Visibility of Albert Einstein's Four-Dimensional Plane of Existence in Sri Aurobindo's Yogic Vision of 'Space'in His Epic “Savitri”

N Kumar - European Journal of Theoretical and Applied Sciences, 2023 -
270 days ago - … Silence, or what Sri Aurobindo calls, ‘impersonal silence… to undertake yoga, says Sri Aurobindo who is the Soul of … the yoga of, what Sri Aurobindo terms, ‘psychicisation’. …

Journey of Resilience and Social Transformation: Resonant Voice of Dalits in the Select Works of Rajarao and Rohinton Mistry

RK Goswami - Eduzone: International Peer Reviewed …, 2023 -
264 days ago - … Bhatta spells out his foreboding, “They will one day put themselves in the place of Brahmins and begin to teach vedas. I heard only the other day that in the Mysore …

[PDF] Karmayoga Analysed through Spinoza's Perspective on 'Eternity'and Bergson's 'Élan Vital'

SR Bhandari - OUSL Journal, 2023 -
264 days ago - … The actions prescribed in the Vedic scriptures only for the reward of beneficial consequences do not … They follow the letter of Vedas, and they say: ‘there is nothing but this.’ …

Agni: The Eternal Flame Guiding Indian Life and Spirituality

V Vijay - Interdisciplinary Journal of Yagya Research, 2023 -
277 days ago - … Agni’s teachings are reflected in Vedic mantras and are interwoven into the fabric of … , Maharshi Aurobindo’s perspective unveils Agni’s deep symbolism in Vedic hymns as …

[B] The Nirvana Express: How the Search for Enlightenment Went West

M Brown - 2023 -
290 days ago - … with a series of fading photographs-Sri Aurobindo Ghose, the freedom fighter turned … on a translation of the complete Rig Veda, the Vedic Sanskrit hymns believed to date …

The Peace Agenda in SDG & Beyond

BK Sarkar - Available at SSRN 4543739, 2023 -
287 days ago - … cycle of failures as pointed out by Sri Aurobindo, we must connect the Collective Being, … That it must be so is the most significant discovery of the Vedic Rishis who saw this …

Natural Justice: A Practical Overview

D Divyam - Issue 2 Indian JL & Legal Rsch., 2023 - HeinOnline
306 days ago - … Through prior universities in the succeeding era, the Vedic … The Sanskrit of the Vedas, which represent the earliest … Sri Aurobindo's entire ideology relies on the integrated …

[PDF] Post-Rational Philosophy of Self-Realization and the Vedāntic Approach to Morality

297 days ago - … Upaniṣads (to sit nearby–a guru or a teacher) are later Vedic Sanskrit scriptures, that … Sri Aurobindo has aptly articulated the limitations of an intellectual reading of the …


V Agarwal, K Sharma, AM Sherry, I Director… -
295 days ago - … The Vedic Rastra was not born out of wars and clashes but similar culture. A nation is … In Sri Aurobindo Ghosh’s poetry we observe mystical and spiritual personality of India…

[B] The Routledge Encyclopedia of Indian Writing in English

M Jaidka, TN Dhar - 2024 -
306 days ago - … the unflinching spirit of Aurobindo for humanity, academic … Aurobindo Ashram was established at Pondicherry by The Mother in 1968, which is characterized by Aurobindo’…

Revolutionary Trends in Indian History: Ideological Diversity and Collective Resistance

RM Bhat, A Silllalee… - Journal of Social …, 2023 -
306 days ago - … drew parallels between Mazzini and Aurobindo, describing them as individuals of the … religious texts such as the Gita, the Vedas, and the Quran called for the elimination of …

[B] Akshay Kumar Dutta and Public Culture in Nineteenth-Century Bengal: Akshay Kumar Dutta and Bengali Intellectual History in the Nineteenth Century

S Chakrabarti - 2024 -
315 days ago - … The chapter also focuses on Akshay’s lengthy debate with Debendranath about the nature of the Vedas, determining the tenets of Brahmo worship, and discussions …

[B] Indian Folklore and The Stories of Manoj Das: A Study in Influence and Parallels

A Kumar, A Poswal - 2024 -
318 days ago - … of Sri Aurobindo’s views. For example, author’s book Sri Aurobindo is based on same … They are impregnated with sources like Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas and epics. The …

[B] Gandhi for the 21st Century: Religion, Morality and Politics

M Miri, B Puri - 2023 -
314 days ago - … Gandhi's contemporaries like Tilak and Sri Aurobindo (among others) had argued that the … The Vedas extol the worth of Truth by saying that it is satya which controls the …

For Love of Country: Gandhi and Tagore

B Puri - Gandhi for the 21st Century: Religion, Morality and …, 2023 - Springer
314 days ago - … Significantly and coming close to Sri Aurobindo (and in somewhat sharp departure from a Darwinian account) Tagore had taken issue with the world view ushered in by …

The Philosopher-King & the Rājarshi Leadership

BK Sarkar - The Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, 2023 -
313 days ago - … to comprehend the psychology and attributes of Vedic Rishi, hence we take refuge to … As Sri Aurobindo points out—'There are two allied powers in man: knowledge and …

[HTML] Spiritualizing Anarchism, Making Spiritual Practices Anarchistic

M Losoncz - Philosophies, 2023 -
312 days ago - … meanings, he shows that it was used in a truly affirmative way from the 1910s, and then from the 1930s, thanks to the Catholic Worker movement and Sri Aurobindo, it was …

'Psychagogy'or Pedagogy?: Techniques and Ethos of Philosophical Therapeutics

R Babu - Biopolitics and Healing in a Mass Milieu -
324 days ago - … Jainism, and the orthodox Vedic traditions under a single … vision contained in the Vedic scriptures, Upanisadic texts… The major drawback which Aurobindo found in Freud’s …

[PDF] Bhakti movement and ITS impact on Indian literature

S Ahlawat -
330 days ago - … Sage Yajnavalkya defines God-Union, or Sayujya as it is known in the Vedic tradition… we may also cite figures like Sri Aurobindo and Tagore for their contributions because …


MS Hossain - 2023 -
329 days ago - … According to Sri Aurobindo, "the mould into which the man's action and development ought to run is that of his innate quality and power" (The Child's Education Should Be …

Swaraj as a Virtue and Spirit of Indian Renaissance: A Treatise on the Central Philosophical Ethos of Neo-Vedantists

GM Quarterly - 2023 -
333 days ago - … ’ knew that it embodies a Vedic injunction that implies self-… pursuit of Vivekanda, Shri Aurobindo, Tilak and Tagore, and … Sri Aurobindo assumed that the circumstances had …

[PDF] Quarterly Journal of The Mythic Society""

KK Desiraju, VNK Pandurangi - Quarterly Journal of The Mythic …, 2023 -
333 days ago - … to come to a meaningful understanding of the Vedas. We take as an example the … Aurobindo & Kapālī and others also tried to argue for a higher truth in their writings …

The Indian Holistic Vision of Lifelong Learning.

TV Muralivallabhan - National Security (2581-9658), 2023 -
332 days ago - … The solution lies, as Sri Aurobindo said, in attaining divine perfection through … the information revealed through the Vedas, Vedangas, Upa vedas, Ithihasas and Puranas. …

[B] Cultivating Integral Development

AK Giri - 2023 -
331 days ago - … But in its original meaning, for example as in the Vedic … (2004) interpretation of Sri Aurobindo's work as an aspect of … apt characterization for Sri Aurobindo, though Pradhan …

[PDF] Teachings from Indian Management: The Spirit of Selfless Service

N Chatterjee - Management Insight, 2023 -
336 days ago - … based on the philosophy propagated by Sri Aurobindo, influenced by the Indian Ethos … The Vedic era has witnessed a strict code of conduct where the duties of the kings, …

'GITA'Cannot wait…

G Krishnan - History and Sociology of South Asia, 2023 -
335 days ago - … , that has influenced Sri Ramana and Sri Aurobindo, that has influenced Mahatma Gandhi’s … This famous Gita is an epitome of the whole Vedic teaching. A knowledge of its …


M Jamshed - Language Literacy: Journal of Linguistics, Literature …, 2023 -
335 days ago - … reformers Sri Aurobindo, Swami Vivekananda, and Rammohan Roy sought to build India’s cultural unity around religious texts –the Upanishads and the Vedas. The writers…

Kazi Nazrul Islam's Journalism

A Deb - Kazi Nazrul Islam's Journalism, 2023 -
334 days ago - … Prior to this, Aurobindo Ghosh had raised this issue in Vande Mataram, which naturally drowned under the mirk of Congress politics. Dhumketu also remains incomparable…


HM Patel - 2023 -
333 days ago - … contemporary thinkers Gandhi, Aurobindo, Tagore,Martha C.Nussbaum and many others. … Reaction against the Vedic Brahmin was inevitable. It developed into a powerful …

[B] Psalms as Postmodern Poetry

L Thomas - 2023 -
347 days ago - … Veda which is in use today. India is credited with honouring one of the oldest works of poetry in the form of Rig Veda… also the theme of Sri Aurobindo's thoughts in his essay …

8 Epistemological Untouchability

I Academics -
345 days ago - … the names of Vivekananda and Aurobindo Ghosh. The … I believe in the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Puranas and … a sense in my opinion strictly Vedic, but not in its present …

Indian Psychology and Modern Psychology

N Pant - Spirituality, Mental Health and Quality of Life: Pathways …, 2023 - Springer
342 days ago - … ’ was first used by Sri Aurobindo in one of his writings on … Veda’s therapies. A broad taxonomy of therapeutic methods for mental diseases is described in the Atharva Veda. …

Between Globalising Religions and Embodying Asia: Imagining Japan in Bengal

VV Mallik - South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
340 days ago - … To that end, Aurobindo called to shatter the bourgeois … Footnote 68 Aurobindo himself only half-heartedly tried … For instance, in using the subtext of the Vedic Narameda …

Digital Life: An Advent of Transhumanism

H Mohanty - International Conference on Multi-disciplinary Trends …, 2023 - Springer
340 days ago - … has been there since the times of Vedas and Upansihads when the rishis … Aurobindo’s the concept of atimanava ie super human realising the divinity in life. Sri Aurobindo …

Social Healing and Healing Epistemologies: With and Beyond Epistemologies from the South, Ontological Epistemology of Participation, Multi-topial Hermeneutics …

AK Giri - Social Healing -
354 days ago - … In the Vedas it is considered that the Divine has million feet and … Sri Aurobindo here also challenges us for spiritual transformation and goes much further. Sri Aurobindo …

Pragmatism, Spirituality and Society: Social Healing, Posthumanism and New Horizons of Theory and Practice and the Calling of Planetary Conversations

AK Giri - Social Healing -
354 days ago - … Sri Aurobindo developed his approach to language by walking and meditating with the dance of words in the Vedas and with his own sadhana of poetry. But this view of …

Social Healing and the Challenges of Transforming Caste Domination and the Challenges of Structural Transformations and Transformation of Consciousness …

AK Giri - Social Healing -
354 days ago - … the Shudras from reading the Vedas.It must be noted that … , it is helpful to invite Sri Aurobindo who in his own life … Sri Aurobindo to this conversation though Sri Aurobindo …

Sceptre & the Principles of Indian Leadership

BK Sarkar - Available at SSRN 4474438, 2023 -
354 days ago - … of some such prominent Rājarshi(s) can be found in our Vedas and Upanishads). … In such a situation we must follow Sri Aurobindo’s pensive suggestion—‘It is the Yogin …

[PDF] Origin, Development, Decline and Revival of English Drama

S SONI - J. Appl. Soc. Sci -
354 days ago - … and finally made the fifth Veda called Natya Veda. Natyasastra is a text that has … Aurobindo seems to be richly impressed and influenced by our great tradition of Vedas …

[PDF] Ultra Transcendental Meditation: Gateway to Infinite Bliss

A Mohan - 2023 -
364 days ago - … , (the most recent part of the Vedas, the oldest scriptures of … We also find that during the Vedic period the prevailing … Sri Aurobindo adds: As we progress and awaken to the …

Conscious Systemic Leadership: A Theoretical Construct Drawing from the Philosophy of Shiva

R Chowdhury - Journal of Awareness-Based Systems Change, 2023 -
362 days ago - … ) is the manifestation of our relationship with our essence and our relationship to the world around us (society and nature)”, a thought that is also prevalent in Sri Aurobindo’…

Peripheral Citizens:“colonial Christians,” Caste, and the Politics of Minoritization in Postcolonial Literature

S Banerjee - 2023 -
360 days ago - … be visited alike on the sacred Hindu texts, the Vedas, or the Islamic holy book, the Qurʾān. What really counted, for Kabir, was utter fidelity to the Truth of life, which he …

[B] Awakening the Inner Self: The Spiritual Disciplines and Meditation of Swami Vivekananda

P Behl, M Singh, MN Sondhi - 2023 -
358 days ago - … Sri Ramanuja interprets sacrifice as the Vedic yajna. … tradition in the world with its Vedic, Tantric, Shaivite, Shakta, … Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo who projected futuristic …

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