Wednesday, October 06, 2021

Sri Aurobindo is the most original Indian thinker

Assorted tweets collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra (b. 1956) @NathTusarFounder, Savitri Era Learning Forum (SELF since 2005), Savitri Era Religion (2006), and Savitri Era Party (2007).

Sri Aurobindo was definitely the most original Indian thinker of the past few centuries.
For those saying Savarkar or Raja Ram Mohan Roy, they must not understand what original thinker means. The former took 19th century european ideas of nationalism & applied them to India while the latter explicitly saw himself as as "Martin Luther of Hinduism"
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I see in Krishnamurti's views a reiteration of the philosophia perennialis trend that gained a lot of steam with the theosophical movement. Aurobindo on the other hand made use of the framework & spiritual precepts of vedAnta to understand the modern world.
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When it comes to knowledge of scriptures and mysticism their are many acharyas N gurus who are like incarnation of divine itself. But when it comes understanding of contemporary world only two Indians stand apart one Swami Vivekananda and other Sri Aurobindo.
Without any shred of doubt but in Indian context, the term 'original thinker' is misnomer due to which all the traditional दार्शनिक won't qualify for it.
Why are #commentaries used throughout different cultures? Perhaps because they are not an exception (as contemporary philosophical practices in EU-NA might make us think), but a "human" way of thinking by way of engaging with other people's words and thoughts.
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Yep. Weber and Integral are no where near any kind of 'organized religion' we stand in opposition to it's hegemony on reality. The original Integral theorists are Aurobindo & Gebser if you'd like to look at the origins instead of the 'most popular guy' in the field.
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Make it globally. He stands head and shoulders above the rest and his body of work is as wide as it is deep. It's tragic that he isn't talked about more often.
Sri Aurobindo Ghosh & The mother are terribly underrated, not read enough by people nor appreciated enough by scholarship or academia. It is because they had a very clear and astute understanding Bhartiya civilisational consciousness, shastras and Indic Philosophy.
[Both Sri Aurobindo, known as the great synthesizer of eastern and western thought, and Martin Heidegger, one of the most influential postmodern thinkers, heard those streams that flow from the great rivers of ancient myth, philosophy, mysticism & poetry.]
There are a few Western handles sympathetic to Sri Aurobindo but they seem to be always in search of some Western thinker for juxtaposition. No one can admit that Sri Aurobindo is the foremost philosopher. Bengalis too suffer from this syndrome and fail to recognise his supremacy
For Indians, it's always Vivekananda and for Westerners, it's always Gebser who would be mentioned along with Sri Aurobindo. He won't be given the sole distinction of being the greatest. The Mother recognised that way back in 1914 but the world is still confused about his status.
Auroville founded in 1968 was evidently a dilution of the Ashram established in 1926. Sri Aurobindo wrote philosophy for public before it but switched to spirituality for disciples. His writings are unmatched as being logical but no assurances should be offered on actual results.
Goel might have been inspired by Sri Aurobindo but his work led to disharmony and hatred. He didn't accept SA's philosophy in its entirety but used some of his sayings to justify his own radical agenda.
Protagoras had said, "Man is the measure of all things." Feuerbach claimed that it was man who created God. Western thought has been prisoner of such speculative ideas though written in superlative prose styles. In Sri Aurobindo otoh we find intuitive presentation of the reality.
Savitri Era: Philosophy has never been free; always with strings attached By Tusar Nath Mohapatra Director, Savitri Era Learning Forum (SELF-2005) and Founder of Savitri Era Religion Savitri Era of those who adore, Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.
Sri Aurobindo on the inadequacy of the State-Idea and Collective Egoism
It is heartening to see that Sri Aurobindo is now a craze both in literature and politics. Philosophy depts took him up since d 1940s, but so many young scholars are taking up his poetry, drama and poetic theory now in d literature departments! Quality will come with efforts.
One who fears monotony and wants something new would not be able to do yoga or at least this yoga which needs an inexhaustible perseverance and patience. #SriAurobindo #IntegralYoga
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Grt achievements by both. It's a proud moment for the ppl of Assam. Digantada has dedicated his life for the pursuit of the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and presently he is delivering a series of 100 lectures on Sri Aurobindo's views on Indian philosophy orgzd by Assam University
#BookDiscussion | The conviction of modern times and emerging post-Pulwama essence made look back at the philosophy of Kapila’s Samkhya and #SriAurobindo to understand the spirit of #India. The resultant product was #India2030 book of essays
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I think #SriAurobindo says that appropriation will lead to a futile sense of self-confidence, unless that confidence can be used for a greater creative output (which will not reject but assimilate those western notions which can be effectively assimilated)
Western scholars have only scratched the surface of the Vedas as nature worship. Great Yogis like Sri Aurobindo, Kapali Shastri, Kavyakantha Ganapati Muni, Sri Anirvan, and Brahmarshi Daivarat have revealed the cosmic secrets of the Vedic mantras through their Rishi vision.
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Its not only Indian TV anchors who r imitating the western ones - its half of India in every field. I wish indian would read Sri Aurobindo Foundations of Indian Culture
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Shri Ma and Sri Aurobindo's intellectual works've been too razor sharp, steadfast and all encompassing to fit in prejudiced, opinionated mental frames of so called intellectuals. Esp. when majority of academic works are western copy paste stuff.
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That's the thing, right? Our Dharmic society, even though being collectivist, has space for organic individuality. We don't need to utilise the western notion of Liberalism to acknowledge that. One needs to read Sri Aurobindo to understand that.
Individualism is the bane of Western thinking although no man is an island. Rationalism and scientific approach has been a major factor for modern civilisation. Yet the Vedic Evolutionary schema of #SriAurobindo offers a befitting response to Darwin, Nietzsche Bergson, and Freud.
Catering to popular sentiments, Sri Aurobindo used to quote Gita and the Upanishads but later he shifted to the Veda. Western tradition lacks this source and therefore in every philosophical writing one finds the author shuttling among Kant, Plato, Socrates, Gospel, Homer, et al.
I have devoted 2-3 decades to secondary literature on Sri Aurobindo including Western perspectives on him. It has been amply rewarding but at the end of the day, his own writings seem to be so self-sufficient. #ARYA100Years (1914-21) is enough for the rest of the present century.
No words are sufficient to express my gratitude to Prof Sisir Kumar Maitra without whose comparative studies my understanding of Sri Aurobindo would have been one sided. Awareness of Western Philosophy and Poetry is a must for all devotees of #SriAurobindo
English is the chord by which Indians are braided with UK and USA. Modernity, Democracy, and Science are common concerns. Western Philosophy has reached a blind alley. India has the advantage of #SriAurobindo. It's time, the West recognises this and allows students to study him.
Image As inspiring as this is - It exemplifies the reductionist western epistemology and lack of awareness of world cultures Forget ancient India, they didnt notice modern rishis like Sri Aurobindo who combined science, philosophy and poetry - Human Sciences
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Why are u diminishing Sri Aurobindo to the status of a 'freedom fighter', belittling his contributions to Sanatana by calling him Christian? Not objective at all. He, like Swami Vivekananda, did explain Sanatana concepts for the West borrowing western terms. There was a context.
Mr. Abhishek Tripathi, presented his paper on ‘Sri Aurobindo’s Psycho-philosophical Integration of Phenomenal and Noumenal World’ during the International Conference on “Sri Aurobindo and India’s Renaissance” today inSeminar Hall of IIAS as well as on Cisco Webex.
KD Ghose, the father of Sri Aurobindo Ghose was a benevolent doctor who helped the needy at the cost of the future prospects of his own family and children. Abhishek Ghosh profiles this forgotten golden-hearted civil surgeon
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2/2 so did Sri Aurobindo, which at times becomes very overwhelming and sounds like astro physics, but he does have answers.
Any great soul.sri aurobindo was the only yogi who had spoken about mental evolution citing hindu scriptures.the mind has to ascend to great be frankly speaking only humans are in subanimal level to supra divine.animals are same
for eg, Sri Aurobindo had a very non-conventional interpretation of the Gita. But his intent was Decolonial. Hindus who wish to engage with that do. The way BORI is interpreting is harmful. Knowledge production cant be separated from the power structures that produce them.
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Not so. 1 example: UNESCO recognised Auroville, based on the transformation yoga of Sri Aurobindo/The Mother (Puducherry) is the world's most successful & poss. largest so-called alternative society. Goal is the divine transformation of matter.
Kind of crazy how India has not produced even one idea of global relevance after Mahatma Gandhi.
Wild. Although many modern streams of thought have been animated by Indic ideas- eg, the influence of Panini on modern linguistics, Buddhism and Yoga on neurophenomenology and consciousness studies. It’s usually a westerner studying the thought, though.
The religionists are trying to use #SriAurobindo as a mascot of Hindu religion. It's a gross misconception. He terms "intellectual dogmas, forms and ceremonies, on some fixed and rigid moral code" as "not the essence". Change of consciousness is the key.

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