Guru English: South Asian religion in a cosmopolitan language - Page 153 Srinivas Aravamudan - 2006 - 330 pages
The meeting of the East and the West in Sri Aurobindo's philosophy Sisir Kumar Maitra - 1956 - 451 pages
The participatory turn: spirituality, mysticism, religious studies - Page 301 Jorge N. Ferrer, Jorge Noguera Ferrer, Jacob H ... - 2008 - 388 pages
Beacons of the Light: One Hundred People Who Have Shaped the ... - Page 519 - Marcus Braybrooke - 2009 - 681 pages - Preview
Female ascetics in Hinduism - Page 126, Lynn Teskey Denton, Steven Collins
- 2004 - 218 pages

The graceful guru: Hindu female gurus in India and the United States, Karen Pechilis
- 2004 - 260 pages

The hero's journey toward a second American century, Michael E. Salla
- 2002 - 224 pages

Journeys East: 20th century Western encounters with Eastern ... - Page 78 - Harry Oldmeadow - 2004 - 505 pages - Preview
Invading the sacred: an analysis of Hinduism studies in America, Krishnan Ramaswamy, Aditi Banerjee
- 2007 - 545 pages

Transcendent in America: Hindu-Inspired Meditation Movements as ... - Page 229 Lola Williamson - 2010 - 272 pages
Affective Communities: Anticolonial Thought, Fin-de-Siècle Radicalism, and the Politics of Friendship (Politics, History, and Culture) by Leela Gandhi and Julia Adams (Paperback -Feb. 28, 2006)
Esalen: America and the religion of no religion - Page 477, Jeffrey John Kripal
- 2007 - 575 pages

The quest for the inner man: transpersonal psychotherapy and ... - Page 213 Joseph Vrinte - 1996 - 282 pages
The perennial quest for a psychology with a soul: an inquiry into ... - Page 436, Joseph Vrinte
- 2002 - 568 pages

GOD SHALL GROW UP Body, Soul, & Earth Evolving Together - Page 17 Wayne Bloomquist
- 2001 - 351 pages

Sri Aurobindo Ghose: the dweller in the lands of silence - William Kluback, Michael Finkenthal - 2001 -
Jouissance as Ananda: Indian Philosophy, Feminist Theory, and ... - Page 114, Ashmita Khasnabish
- 2006 - 239 pages

Tantra: sex, secrecy, politics, and power in the study of religion - Page 101 - Hugh B. Urban - 2003 - 372 pages - Preview
Feminists under fire: exchanges across war zones - Page 203 - Wenona Mary Giles, Women in Conflict Zones Network - 2003 - 238 pages - The "Mother"- Mira Rachel Alfassa of Sephardic Jewish origin from Egypt and France - was a great modernizer and reformist and is revered even today, thirty years after her death. Many European and American socialist and communist women ...
Hinterlands and horizons: excursions in search of amity - Margaret Chatterjee - 2002 - 139 pages - Preview
Conversations and transformations: toward a new ethics of self and ... - Page 33 - Ananta Kumar Giri - 2002
Netaji Subhas Confronted the Indian Ethos (1900-1921): Yogi Sri Aurobindo's "Terrorism", Poet Tagore's "Universalism", and Mahatma Gandhi's "Experimental Non-Violence" - Page 139 by Adwaita P. Ganguly
- 2003 - 224 pages

The graceful guru: Hindu female gurus in India and the United States, Karen Pechilis
- 2004 - 260 pages

The Kundalini book of living and dying: gateways to a higher ... - Page 110, Ravindra Kumar, Jytte Larsen
- 2004 - 271 pages

Sanskrit and the evolution of human speech: based on Sri ..., Sampadananda Mishra
- 2005 - 171 pages

The strides of Vishnu: Hindu culture in historical perspective - Page 210, Ariel Glucklich
- 2008 - 241 pages

Freud along the Ganges: psychoanalytic reflections on the people ..., Salman Akhtar
- 2005 - 451 pages

Sri Aurobindo, Jung and Vedic Yoga by Satya Prakash Singh (Hardcover - Apr. 15, 2005)
Swaraj: Thoughts of Gandhi, Tilak, Aurobindo, Raja Rammohun Roy, Tagore and Vivekananda by Amulya Ranjan Mohapatra (June 30, 2009)
Modern Indian political thought: Ram Mohan Roy to present day Mitra Nandan Jha - 1975
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Mazzini and his impact on the Indian national movement Gita Srivastava - 1982
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Divine justice according to Kambar and Luther Ci. Vi Cavarimuttu - 1978
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Holy war: violence and the Bhagavad Gita, Steven Rosen
- 2002
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Kṛṣṇa and Christ: in the light of some of the fundamental concepts ... Ishanand Vempeny - 1988
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Boston Confucianism: portable tradition in the late-modern world - Page 127 Robert C. Neville - 2000 - 258 pages
Bruteau's philosophy of spiritual evolution and consciousness: foundation for a nursing cosmology MP McCarthy - Nursing Philosophy, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Under western eyes: India from Milton to Macaulay Balachandra Rajan - 1999 - 267 pages
Between Jerusalem and Benares: comparative studies in Judaism and ... Hananya Goodman - 1994 - 344 pages
One Cosmos Under God: The Unification of Matter, Life, Mind & Spirit by Robert W. Godwin (Paperback - Dec. 2004)
India: Mystic, Complex and Real : A Detailed Study of E.M. Forster's a Passage to India: His Treatment of India's Landscape, History, Social Anthrop
Adwaita P. Ganguly (Hardcover - Sep 1990

The Rose and the Lotus, Partnership Studies in the Works of Raja Rao. - Page li Stefano Mercanti - 2010 - 280 pages
Rainbow Bridge: A Comparative Study of Tagore and Sri Aurobindo by Goutam Ghosal (Hardcover - Feb. 2, 2007
Homer and the Iliad, Sri Aurobindo and Ilion; Illumination, Heroism and Harmony (Unknown Binding - 2004
The Tragedy of the Earth; From Sophocles to Sri Aurobindo (Unknown Binding - 2003
The universalistic thought of India: from the Rigveda to Radhakrishnan - Ramnarayan Vyas - 1970

Visualizing space in Banaras: images, maps, and the practice of ... - Page 186 - Martin Gaenszle, Jörg Gengnagel - 2006
- 358 pages - Preview kkk

Writing the West, 1750-1947: representations from Indian languages - Page 198 - C. Vijayasree, Sāhitya Akādemī - 2004 - 214 pages - Preview
Unifying Hinduism: Philosophy and Identity in Indian Intellectual ... - Page 242 - Andrew J. Nicholson - 2010
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Green Spirituality: One Answer to Environmental Problems and World ... - Page 314 - Chris Philpott - 2011 - 352 pages - Preview
The radiance of being: understanding the grand integral vision : ... - Allan Combs - 2002 - 380 pages - Snippet view
Gurus and their followers: new religious reform movements in ... - Antony R. H. Copley - 2000 - 235 pages - Snippet view
Decolonizing the Hindu mind: ideological development of Hindu ... - Koenraad Elst - 2001 - 657 pages - Snippet view
Father India: Westerners Under the Spell of an Ancient Culture - Jeffery Paine - 1999 - 336 pages -
Looks at the influence of India on the lives, thought, and desires of such twentieth-century Western writers and thinkers as E.M. Forester, Carl Jung, W.B. Yeats, and Martin Luther King, jr
Father India: how encounters with an ancient culture transformed ... - Jeffery Paine - 1998 - 324 pages - ... Aurobindo and the Mother became spiritually one. And Mirra Richard achieved her synthesis, her work, in defiance of the European highbrows like Dickinson who argued that "the contrast is that between India and the rest of the world. ...
With Medhananda on the shores of infinity - Medhananda - 1998
- 144 pages - Reminiscences by a German disciple of the Mother, 1878-1973, chiefly about Sri Aurobindo Ashram; with a few texts translated from French and German.
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