Kriya yoga: the scientific process of soul-culture and the essence ... - Page 43 Paramahamsa Hariharananda - 2008 - 291 pages
Shri Aurobindo conceives it as the supramental consciousness that lies beyond our mind. We can attain it only if we can rouse the higher principles, the supermind, that lie hidden and dormant within us. The supermind is the infinite ...
Shri Aurobindo conceives it as the supramental consciousness that lies beyond our mind. We can attain it only if we can rouse the higher principles, the supermind, that lie hidden and dormant within us. The supermind is the infinite ...
Indian English Poetry and Fiction: Critical Elucidations - Page 70, Amar Nath Prasad, A.N. Prasad Rajiv K.Malik
- 2007 - 269 pages
Following the Upanishads which he often interprets Aurobindo conceives seven chief poises or aspects of Reality: Matters, life, Mind, Super mind, Bliss (Delight) Consciousness, Force. Existence, There may be regarded as an ascending ...
Following the Upanishads which he often interprets Aurobindo conceives seven chief poises or aspects of Reality: Matters, life, Mind, Super mind, Bliss (Delight) Consciousness, Force. Existence, There may be regarded as an ascending ...
Understanding thoughts of Sri Aurobindo, Indrani Sanyal, Krishna Roy
, Jadavpur ... - 2007 - 317 pages
Sri Aurobindo conceives of the possibility where all the physical life and its necessary activities could be maintained and operated by higher agencies and grades of consciousness in a freer and ampler way and by a ...
Sri Aurobindo conceives of the possibility where all the physical life and its necessary activities could be maintained and operated by higher agencies and grades of consciousness in a freer and ampler way and by a ...
Practical And Professional Ethics (vol. 2 : Environmental Ethics - Page 105, Debashis Guha
- 2007
Not only this, Aurobindo conceives of Absolute as Bliss and as Supermind. These notions are extremely important in his philosophy as conception of Bliss as inherent in all existence of every finite being and in the cosmos, ...
Not only this, Aurobindo conceives of Absolute as Bliss and as Supermind. These notions are extremely important in his philosophy as conception of Bliss as inherent in all existence of every finite being and in the cosmos, ...
Contemporary Indian philosophy - Page 172, Basant Kumar Lal
- 1978, 2005 - 346 pages
To the question 'why' creation?' the answer is 'Lila, and to the question 'How creation ?' the answer is through Maya. Although these apparently look exactly like Vedantic answers to these questions, Sri Aurobindo conceives them not exactly in the exactly in the ...
To the question 'why' creation?' the answer is 'Lila, and to the question 'How creation ?' the answer is through Maya. Although these apparently look exactly like Vedantic answers to these questions, Sri Aurobindo conceives them not exactly in the exactly in the ...
Therefore, Sri Aurobindo conceives ignorance as a form of knowledge, it may be very fragmentary, very partial, but it is basically similar in nature to knowledge. Ignorance is not absence of knowledge, that is the extreme state of ...
Philosophical foundations of Hinduism: the Vedas, the Upanishads, ... Dr. R. S. Misra - 2002 - 637 pages
It is a fundamental truth of the Becoming, a truth that supports and gives a spiritual and divine significance to all its appearances." Sri Aurobindo conceives para-prakrti as the supreme power of Isvara. He does not identify this ...
It is a fundamental truth of the Becoming, a truth that supports and gives a spiritual and divine significance to all its appearances." Sri Aurobindo conceives para-prakrti as the supreme power of Isvara. He does not identify this ...
Sociology of religion in India - Page 306, V. G. Nayar, M. G. Nayar
- 2001 - 338 pages
The supermen take births and rebirths for the good of the world. They transform the world and ceaselessly spiritualise it. Sri Aurobindo conceives that the gnostic consciousness is all pervasive. It is connected with the earth consciousness, and thereby shapes and ... Encyclopaedia of Sociology of Religion: Sociology of religions in ... - Page 306, M. G. Nayar
- 2000 - 997 pages
The supermen take births and rebirths for the good of the world. They transform the world and ceaselessly spiritualise it. Sri Aurobindo conceives that the gnostic consciousness is all pervasive. It is connected with the earth consciousness, and thereby shapes and ... Encyclopaedia of Sociology of Religion: Sociology of religions in ... - Page 306, M. G. Nayar
A critical survey of Indian philosophy - Page 383 Chandradhar Sharma - 1960, 2000 - 415 pages
Sri Aurobindo conceives of a stage where even this sentience is absent and calls it Inconscience. This is the complete loss of Spirit. All this process of involution takes place behind the screen as it were. It is an ideal process. ...
Sri Aurobindo conceives of a stage where even this sentience is absent and calls it Inconscience. This is the complete loss of Spirit. All this process of involution takes place behind the screen as it were. It is an ideal process. ...
Kālidāsa and his age Govind Chandra Pande - 1999 - 302 pages
Following Sankhya or Platonism Aurobindo conceives the phenomenal aspect of human nature which manifests itself in social history or culture as constituted by three powers while the transcendental aspect of man is conceived as the ...
Following Sankhya or Platonism Aurobindo conceives the phenomenal aspect of human nature which manifests itself in social history or culture as constituted by three powers while the transcendental aspect of man is conceived as the ...
The integral advaitism of Sri Aurobindo - Page 91 Rāmacandra Miśra - 1998 - 437 pages
it signifies the transcendence and absolute freedom of Brahman and not the 'rejection' of the spatio-temporal world or Becoming. Unlike the Madhyamika and the Advaita Vedanta, Sri Aurobindo conceives 'Negation' as significant. ...
it signifies the transcendence and absolute freedom of Brahman and not the 'rejection' of the spatio-temporal world or Becoming. Unlike the Madhyamika and the Advaita Vedanta, Sri Aurobindo conceives 'Negation' as significant. ...
Page 435 ... rational and philosophical foundation for belief in, 348. 349; Sri Aurobindo's conception of evolution of the cosmos to a higher spiritual status strengthens the doctrine of. 350; Sri Aurobindo conceives as a logical necessity. ...
History and beyond, A. Mathias Mundadan
- 1997 - 450 pages
will conquer falsehood; the power behind death, disease and sin will be over-thrown by the reality which is Being, Intelligence and Bliss. This is how Radhakrishnan explains avatara. Aurobindo conceives avatara as a two-foil birth;...
will conquer falsehood; the power behind death, disease and sin will be over-thrown by the reality which is Being, Intelligence and Bliss. This is how Radhakrishnan explains avatara. Aurobindo conceives avatara as a two-foil birth;...
Śrī Aurobindo and Vedic interpretations, Kala Acharya, Shubhada A. Joshi, K. J. Somaiya ...
- 1996 - 121 pages
The union with the Divinity takes place even in the waking consciousness. When it takes place even the physical actions are radiated with the Light. Sri Aurobindo conceives the emergence of the Divine Life on this very earth. ...
The union with the Divinity takes place even in the waking consciousness. When it takes place even the physical actions are radiated with the Light. Sri Aurobindo conceives the emergence of the Divine Life on this very earth. ...
Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism, Gariepy
- 1996 - 483 pages
Aurobindo conceives of Brahman as not having to become finite things. Self-manifestation is thought to ...
Aurobindo conceives of Brahman as not having to become finite things. Self-manifestation is thought to ...
Indian writings in English, Manmohan Krishna Bhatnagar
- 1996 - 224 pages
He knows that in man's present is held "his future and his past" and in him the "gods of light and titans of the dark" battle to win over his soul. Sri Aurobindo conceives ...
He knows that in man's present is held "his future and his past" and in him the "gods of light and titans of the dark" battle to win over his soul. Sri Aurobindo conceives ...
Sri Aurobindo on Vedic deities, Ramaranjan Mukherji
- 1995 - 149 pages
THE HUMAN JOURNEY AND ITS PATH-FINDER Sri Aurobindo conceives of Agni as the conscious power of penance, who stands in the front row and conducts the man from the lower level of consciousness to the higher levels of evolution. ...
THE HUMAN JOURNEY AND ITS PATH-FINDER Sri Aurobindo conceives of Agni as the conscious power of penance, who stands in the front row and conducts the man from the lower level of consciousness to the higher levels of evolution. ...
The concept of Yoga in the Gita Śarata Candra Pāṇigrāhī - 1994 - 162 pages
Sri Aurobindo conceives every object to be essentially spiritual and the evolution means the unfoldment of the latent spirituality in things culminating in Purusottama, which is of the nature of pure consciousness and is the state of ...
Sri Aurobindo conceives every object to be essentially spiritual and the evolution means the unfoldment of the latent spirituality in things culminating in Purusottama, which is of the nature of pure consciousness and is the state of ...
The Indian Scriptures and the Life Divine - Page 66, Binita Pani
- 1993 - 367 pages
Nature.23 Sri Aurobindo conceives that the soul of the individual ascends to …
Nature.23 Sri Aurobindo conceives that the soul of the individual ascends to …
A critical and comparative re-evaluation of ethics of the Neo-Vedanta, Shri Niwas Sharma
- 1992 - 308 pages Aurobindo conceives ...
opened but not created by education. Sri Aurobindo conceives the operation of consciousness for the unveiling of knowledge. In a continuum he envisages the existence of nescience of the consciousness which is an effective dynamic ...
Sri Aurobindo Ghosh and Bal Gangadhar Tilak: the spirit of freedom, Suneera Kapoor
- 1991 - 142 pages
be based on free self-determination. . . . Unity would be the largest principle of life, but freedom would be its foundation-stone. The human unity which Aurobindo conceives of, allows full scope to the freedom and variation of the individual and the larger groups. Today, the world peace is seriously threatened by the danger arising from ambition, selfishness, ...
be based on free self-determination. . . . Unity would be the largest principle of life, but freedom would be its foundation-stone. The human unity which Aurobindo conceives of, allows full scope to the freedom and variation of the individual and the larger groups. Today, the world peace is seriously threatened by the danger arising from ambition, selfishness, ...
New technological civilization and Indian society, B. D. Nag Choudhuri
- 1990 - 138 pages
it is generally called) is suggestive of a third way beyond the materialism-idealism distinction, but at the same time synthesizing the rival claims of both the opposing world-views. Accordingly, Aurobindo conceives of the goal of ...
it is generally called) is suggestive of a third way beyond the materialism-idealism distinction, but at the same time synthesizing the rival claims of both the opposing world-views. Accordingly, Aurobindo conceives of the goal of ...
The Plays of Sri Aurobindo, a study, S. S. Kulkarni
- 1990 - 160 pages
For philosophical convenience Sri Aurobindo conceives the sea god as a lower, primitive godhead opposed to Athene. The antagonism between them is indicated in several Greek Myths. In all of them Poseidon appears 'as a god of. little ...
For philosophical convenience Sri Aurobindo conceives the sea god as a lower, primitive godhead opposed to Athene. The antagonism between them is indicated in several Greek Myths. In all of them Poseidon appears 'as a god of. little ...
The Political Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo - Page xii, V. P. Varma
- 1960, 1990 - 494 pages
To the extent that Aurobindo conceives of a society of enlightened souls, his statements and conclusions do come to have a sociological significance. Hence I think that the last two chapters of The Life Divine
are also remarkable ...
To the extent that Aurobindo conceives of a society of enlightened souls, his statements and conclusions do come to have a sociological significance. Hence I think that the last two chapters of The Life Divine
Advaitic concept of jīvanmukti, Lalit Kishore Lal Srivastava
- 1990 - 303 pages
It advocates that the aspirant passes to final liberation at once with the dawn of the 1. Sri Aurobindo conceives two types of mukti viz., individual and cosmic (sarva) mukti. The latter one is attributed greater importance. ...
It advocates that the aspirant passes to final liberation at once with the dawn of the 1. Sri Aurobindo conceives two types of mukti viz., individual and cosmic (sarva) mukti. The latter one is attributed greater importance. ...
Hartshorne, process philosophy, and theology - Page 123, Robert Kane, Stephen H. Phillips
- 1989 - 198 pages
Aurobindo conceives God's necessary aspects as richer than just a "bare existence," though not as rich as Hartshorne's "perfect knowing." And he would insist certain human experiences demonstrate the possibility of such a non-relational ...
Aurobindo conceives God's necessary aspects as richer than just a "bare existence," though not as rich as Hartshorne's "perfect knowing." And he would insist certain human experiences demonstrate the possibility of such a non-relational ...
Bernard Shaw and the concept of superman, Kashi Kumar Karan
- 1989 - 176 pages
Super mind is comprehensive in the sense that it goes back from the Many to One. Sri Aurobindo conceives, in all, seven aspects of Reality, to wit, Matter, Life, Mind, Supermind, Bb-ss, consciousness-force and existence. ...
Super mind is comprehensive in the sense that it goes back from the Many to One. Sri Aurobindo conceives, in all, seven aspects of Reality, to wit, Matter, Life, Mind, Supermind, Bb-ss, consciousness-force and existence. ...
The concept of spirituality, Margaret Chatterjee
- 1989 - 111 pages
Life Divine a discipline of self-perfection inherently processive in character and which Aurobindo conceives ...
Life Divine a discipline of self-perfection inherently processive in character and which Aurobindo conceives ...
Freedom, transcendence, and identity: essays in memory of ... Kalidas Bhattacharya, Pradip Kumar Sengupta ...
- 1988 - 222 pages
This concept of ignorance quite fits in with the concept of ignorance propounded by the Saiva-Sakta theory of knowledge. Sri Aurobindo conceives of a stage where even the sentience is absent and calls it inconscience. ...
This concept of ignorance quite fits in with the concept of ignorance propounded by the Saiva-Sakta theory of knowledge. Sri Aurobindo conceives of a stage where even the sentience is absent and calls it inconscience. ...
Teilhard and Aurobindo: a study in religious complementarity, David M. Brookman
- 1988 - 145 pages
From the perspective of the supra- mental may be glimpsed Aurobindo's majestic vision of Reality as transcendent, unmanifest and self-absorbed on the one hand; immanent, manifest and creative on the other. Aurobindo conceives of three ...
From the perspective of the supra- mental may be glimpsed Aurobindo's majestic vision of Reality as transcendent, unmanifest and self-absorbed on the one hand; immanent, manifest and creative on the other. Aurobindo conceives of three ...
Sri Aurobindo's ideal of human life, M. Rafique
- 1987 - 130 pages
It is now time to discuss the ideal which Sri Aurobindo conceives for human life. THE IDEAL OF HUMAN LIFE In elaboration of his ideal of human life, Sri Aurobindo discusses four views regarding the nature of the ultimate Reality, ...
It is now time to discuss the ideal which Sri Aurobindo conceives for human life. THE IDEAL OF HUMAN LIFE In elaboration of his ideal of human life, Sri Aurobindo discusses four views regarding the nature of the ultimate Reality, ...
Sri Aurobindo and Vedānta philosophy, Sheojee Pandey
- 1987 - 150 pages
To Sri Aurobindo, these difficulties arise due to the fact that Sankara and his followers do not regard Maya as the creative force and as real. Sri Aurobindo conceives Maya in the sense of divine Sakti of ...
To Sri Aurobindo, these difficulties arise due to the fact that Sankara and his followers do not regard Maya as the creative force and as real. Sri Aurobindo conceives Maya in the sense of divine Sakti of ...
Aurobindo's philosophy of Brahman, Stephen H. Phillips
- 1986 - 200 pages
There is a general indeterminacy of the temporal factor because of the nature of Brahman as Aurobindo conceives it. (Does his argument about the incompatibility of Brahman with evil mitigate this difficulty, and mean that divine life...
There is a general indeterminacy of the temporal factor because of the nature of Brahman as Aurobindo conceives it. (Does his argument about the incompatibility of Brahman with evil mitigate this difficulty, and mean that divine life...
but not at all plausibly to be essential to the Absolute as Aurobindo conceivesit. However, as noted, this reading appears to have the consequence that the deity would be faineant. Clearly, Aurobindo would also like to have ...
Fundamentals of the philosophy of tantras, Manoranjan Basu
- 1986 - 667 pages
Sri Aurobindo conceives of a stage where even this sentience is absent and calls it 'inconscience'. This is the complete loss of spirit. All this process of involution takes place behind the screen as it were, it is an ideal process. ...
Sri Aurobindo conceives of a stage where even this sentience is absent and calls it 'inconscience'. This is the complete loss of spirit. All this process of involution takes place behind the screen as it were, it is an ideal process. ...
Political thought in modern India, Thomas Pantham, Kenneth L. Deutsch
- 1986 - 362 pages
The right to prevent such a use of personal liberty as will injure the interest of the race is the fundamental law of society. In 'The Doctrine of Sacrifice' Aurobindo conceives of the necessity for individuals to sacrifice themselves for the interest of the nation. Only by way of sacrifice on the pan of the individual, the family, and the class can occur 'the supreme object of building ...
The right to prevent such a use of personal liberty as will injure the interest of the race is the fundamental law of society. In 'The Doctrine of Sacrifice' Aurobindo conceives of the necessity for individuals to sacrifice themselves for the interest of the nation. Only by way of sacrifice on the pan of the individual, the family, and the class can occur 'the supreme object of building ...
The philosophy of Advaita: a transition from Śaṅkara to Śrī Aurobindo, Priti Sinha
- 1986 - 435 pages
As against Alexander, Sri Aurobindo conceives an integral ascent of all these lower principles. The lower principles are also the forms of Absolute Spirit. For Sri Aurobindo, "Our mental, physical, vital existence ...
As against Alexander, Sri Aurobindo conceives an integral ascent of all these lower principles. The lower principles are also the forms of Absolute Spirit. For Sri Aurobindo, "Our mental, physical, vital existence ...
Deriving inspiration from Vedanta and Kashmir Saivism, Sri Aurobindo conceives all that exists as an expression of God's free activity, generated by His spontaneous delight, but not affecting Him in any way. 'World -existence is the ...
Savitri: a spiritual epic, R. K. Singh
- 1984 - 164 pages
He knows that in man's present is held "his future and his past" and in him the "gods of light and titans of the dark" battle to win over his soul. Sri Aurobindo conceives ...
He knows that in man's present is held "his future and his past" and in him the "gods of light and titans of the dark" battle to win over his soul. Sri Aurobindo conceives ...
Essays in celebration of the CISRS silver jubilee, Saral Kumar Chatterji
, Christian Institute for ... - 1983 - 262 pages ... Aurobindo conceives ...
Melody of bhakti and enlightenment, Ramnarayan Vyas
- 1983 - 215 pages
in some way of its Absoluteness either the permanent truth or the inherent, even if latent, realisable actuality of all that is fundamental to our or to the world's existence." Aurobindo conceives the Supreme as Divine Mother. The whole world is a manifestation of this Divine Mother. It is her Lila. The mother has innumerable powers which are expressed through diverse ...
in some way of its Absoluteness either the permanent truth or the inherent, even if latent, realisable actuality of all that is fundamental to our or to the world's existence." Aurobindo conceives the Supreme as Divine Mother. The whole world is a manifestation of this Divine Mother. It is her Lila. The mother has innumerable powers which are expressed through diverse ...
Philosophy of religion Krishna Murari Prasad Verma - 1982 - 155 pages
it is a state of God ralisation in which man is completely dedicated to the service of the world, and for Sri Aurobindo, it is spiritual birth as a Superman. Sri Aurobindo conceives that the Gnostic consciousness is all pervasive. ...
it is a state of God ralisation in which man is completely dedicated to the service of the world, and for Sri Aurobindo, it is spiritual birth as a Superman. Sri Aurobindo conceives that the Gnostic consciousness is all pervasive. ...
Concepts of reason and intuition: with special reference to Sri ..., Ramesh Chandra Sinha
- 1981 - 234 pages
All the defects of intuition — their flashy character, their particularity, their limited range, their lack of cohesion- are due to their being under the control of mind".77 SriAurobindo conceives that integral knowledge is supramental ...
All the defects of intuition — their flashy character, their particularity, their limited range, their lack of cohesion- are due to their being under the control of mind".77 SriAurobindo conceives that integral knowledge is supramental ...
New dimensions in Vedanta philosophy, Sahajānanda (Swami), Bochasanwasi Shri ...
- 1981
But Sri Aurobindo conceives of the dynamic and spiritual role of the atman, which henceforth takes the lead in the spiritualisation and divinisation of man. The atman, has the divine power to divinise the ...
But Sri Aurobindo conceives of the dynamic and spiritual role of the atman, which henceforth takes the lead in the spiritualisation and divinisation of man. The atman, has the divine power to divinise the ...
Advaita Vedanta: problems and perspectives, K. B. Ramakrishna Rao
- 1980 - 233 pages
'Evolution And Its Implications for Sri Aurobindo- 'Evolution' as Sri Aurobindo conceives has a technical sense always indicating a progressive realisation of value and meaning at each level of an 'onward' march of being. ...
'Evolution And Its Implications for Sri Aurobindo- 'Evolution' as Sri Aurobindo conceives has a technical sense always indicating a progressive realisation of value and meaning at each level of an 'onward' march of being. ...
Indian writing in English, Krishna Nandan Sinha
- 1979 - 237 pages
Aurobindo conceives it. Slowly, humanity marches on the path of evolution, shedding off its brutish and bestial instincts. The worship of Poseidon represents, in Sri Aurobindo's words, 'the dark or violent life-forces which lie in a ...
Aurobindo conceives it. Slowly, humanity marches on the path of evolution, shedding off its brutish and bestial instincts. The worship of Poseidon represents, in Sri Aurobindo's words, 'the dark or violent life-forces which lie in a ...
Realization of God according to Sri Aurobindo: a study of a ..., George Nedumpalakunnel
- 1979 - 308 pages
THB INFINITE PERFECTIBILITY OF MAN AND THE REALITY OF HUMAN LIMITATIONS In our analysis of the participant reality of God-realization, man, the viewpoint emerged that Aurobindo conceives man as an embodied spirit who is infinitely ...
THB INFINITE PERFECTIBILITY OF MAN AND THE REALITY OF HUMAN LIMITATIONS In our analysis of the participant reality of God-realization, man, the viewpoint emerged that Aurobindo conceives man as an embodied spirit who is infinitely ...
Yoga and depth psychology: with special reference to the ..., I. P. Sachdeva
- 1978 - 271 pages
Sri Aurobindo conceives that there are three elements in the total personality — the conscious, the unconscious and the superconscious. The aim of integral yoga is to coordinate and illuminate the experiences of whole man. ...
Sri Aurobindo conceives that there are three elements in the total personality — the conscious, the unconscious and the superconscious. The aim of integral yoga is to coordinate and illuminate the experiences of whole man. ...
An introduction to Sri Aurobindo's philosophy, Joan Price Ockham
- 1977 - 185 pages
... have reality, but the primacy remains with the transcendent. The world exists by the transcendent, the transcendent does not exist by the world. The Omnipresent Reality, as Sri Aurobindo conceives it, is the principle ...
... have reality, but the primacy remains with the transcendent. The world exists by the transcendent, the transcendent does not exist by the world. The Omnipresent Reality, as Sri Aurobindo conceives it, is the principle ...
The yogi and the mystic: a study in the spirituality of Sri ..., Jan Feys
- 1977 - 371 pages
Such is not the case with the historical avatar of Sri Krishna as Aurobindo conceives him. The latter's function is not mediating, but merely exemplary. ''It is this figure of Narayana which symbolises the truth" (EG p. 532). ...
Such is not the case with the historical avatar of Sri Krishna as Aurobindo conceives him. The latter's function is not mediating, but merely exemplary. ''It is this figure of Narayana which symbolises the truth" (EG p. 532). ...
Towards supermanhood: the philosophy of Sri Aurobindo, Pritibhushan Chatterjee
- 1977 - 96 pages
Prakrti is the outer or executive aspect of Reality. Purusa, as Sri Aurobindo, conceives it, represents the True Being or ...
Prakrti is the outer or executive aspect of Reality. Purusa, as Sri Aurobindo, conceives it, represents the True Being or ...
Indian thought: an introduction, Donald H. Bishop
- 1975 - 427 pages
It is only initial involution which can call for evolution. They are the two inseparable aspects of the truth of existence. Aurobindo conceives of the order of involution (the process of higher to lower) as Existence (sat), Consciousness-force (chit), Bliss (Ananda), Supermind, Mind, Psyche (soul), Life, Matter. Involution starts, if what is eternal can have ...
It is only initial involution which can call for evolution. They are the two inseparable aspects of the truth of existence. Aurobindo conceives of the order of involution (the process of higher to lower) as Existence (sat), Consciousness-force (chit), Bliss (Ananda), Supermind, Mind, Psyche (soul), Life, Matter. Involution starts, if what is eternal can have ...
The religious roots of Indian nationalism: Aurobindo's early ..., David L. Johnson
- 1974 - 128 pages
Citing Life Divine (American edition ; New York, 1949) as his source, Chaudhuri argues that Aurobindo conceives reality as essentially indeterminable (his emphasis). Reality is "indefinable and inconceivable by finite and defining minds ...
Citing Life Divine (American edition ; New York, 1949) as his source, Chaudhuri argues that Aurobindo conceives reality as essentially indeterminable (his emphasis). Reality is "indefinable and inconceivable by finite and defining minds ...
Sri Aurobindo: a centenary tribute Aurobindo Ghose, K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar
- 1974 - 346 pages
The sources are clearly Somadeva and Bhasa, and Sri Aurobindo conceives the action of the play as taking place in the century after the Mahabharata war. ...
The sources are clearly Somadeva and Bhasa, and Sri Aurobindo conceives the action of the play as taking place in the century after the Mahabharata war. ...
The philosophy of evolution in Sri Aurobindo and Teilhard de Chardin, Jan Feys
- 1973 - 276 pages
of our insufficient mental and vital nature by a spiritual and supra- mental supernature that can effect this evolutionary miracle" (p. 938). This in the main is how Aurobindo conceives the life divine: a collectivity of Supermen. ...
of our insufficient mental and vital nature by a spiritual and supra- mental supernature that can effect this evolutionary miracle" (p. 938). This in the main is how Aurobindo conceives the life divine: a collectivity of Supermen. ...
Proceedings of the Fourth Conference of All Orissa Philosophy ..., Ganeswar Misra
, Krushna Prasad Mishra
... - 1973 - 88 pages
Similarly Sri Aurobindo speaks, that this mental consciousness which has been so far reached is not the final stage of the cosmic evolutionary process. And Sri Aurobindo conceives of a stage when there will be a further evolution and man will become superman by the descent of a higher consciousness in him which he speaks as 'Divine Grace' when there will be intense craving or aspiration...
Similarly Sri Aurobindo speaks, that this mental consciousness which has been so far reached is not the final stage of the cosmic evolutionary process. And Sri Aurobindo conceives of a stage when there will be a further evolution and man will become superman by the descent of a higher consciousness in him which he speaks as 'Divine Grace' when there will be intense craving or aspiration...
Sri Aurobindo and Whitehead on the nature of God, Satya Prakash Singh
- 1972 - 196 pages
On the contrary, since it is the real dynamis of Being, it must be regarded as eternally present in the Being. It is why Aurobindo conceives the Supreme Reality not only as Existence and Delight but also as Consciousness ...
On the contrary, since it is the real dynamis of Being, it must be regarded as eternally present in the Being. It is why Aurobindo conceives the Supreme Reality not only as Existence and Delight but also as Consciousness ...
Sri Aurobindo and Bergson: a synthetic study, Abhoy Chandra Bhattacharya
- 1972 - 282 pages
the nature of the ultimate Reality as described above and then try to understand how Sri Aurobindo conceives the cosmos that follows from it. We should point out one thing at the very outset. It appears that all efforts of Sri Aurobindo ...
the nature of the ultimate Reality as described above and then try to understand how Sri Aurobindo conceives the cosmos that follows from it. We should point out one thing at the very outset. It appears that all efforts of Sri Aurobindo ...
History and contemporary India, John C. B. Webster
- 1971 - 123 pages
Aurobindo conceives avatara as a two-fold birth : the birth of God in humanity — the descent ; and the birth of man into the God-head — the ascent. It is being born anew in a second birth of the soul. According to Gandhi there cannot be ...
Aurobindo conceives avatara as a two-fold birth : the birth of God in humanity — the descent ; and the birth of man into the God-head — the ascent. It is being born anew in a second birth of the soul. According to Gandhi there cannot be ...
Philosophical foundation of Bengal Vaiṣṇavism: a critical exposition, Sudhindra Chandra Chakravarti
- 1969 - 437 pages
Aurobindo conceives eight aspects or poises of the ultimate reality : Existence, Consciousness- Force, Bliss, Supermind, Mind, Psyche, Life and Matter : "The Divine descends from pure existence through the play of Consciousness-Force ...
Aurobindo conceives eight aspects or poises of the ultimate reality : Existence, Consciousness- Force, Bliss, Supermind, Mind, Psyche, Life and Matter : "The Divine descends from pure existence through the play of Consciousness-Force ...
Educational and philosophic thoughts, Kewal Krishan Verma
- 1969 - 291 pages
... by taking into consideration the following three things ; — (i) The man. (ii) The individual in his uniqueness and commonsense. (iii) The nation or people and universal humanity. Hence Sri Aurobindo conceives true education as, which helps Bhattacharya PKA scheme of Education". 1952 (Sri Aurobindo in A Syst ... Vision and voices: a study of a few educational concepts and ..., Kewal Krishan Verma
- 1968 - 291 pages
... by taking into consideration the following three things ; — (i) The man. (ii) The individual in his uniqueness and commonsense. (iii) The nation or people and universal humanity. Hence Sri Aurobindo conceives true education as, which helps Bhattacharya PKA scheme of Education". 1952 (Sri Aurobindo in A Syst ... Vision and voices: a study of a few educational concepts and ..., Kewal Krishan Verma
Sri Aurobindo and the theories of evolution: a critical and ..., Rama Shanker Srivastava
- 1968 - 464 pages
In contrast to it, Sri Aurobindo conceives matter to be spiritual. But can Bergson speak of the forward or the backward movement of the elan' vital? Positively not. In a pure Becoming without any Being the words, motion, creation, ...
In contrast to it, Sri Aurobindo conceives matter to be spiritual. But can Bergson speak of the forward or the backward movement of the elan' vital? Positively not. In a pure Becoming without any Being the words, motion, creation, ...
It is said, for instance, that Sri Aurobindo conceives that evolution does not cease with the emergence of Supermind and the disappearance of ignorance but that the process continues in Knowledge. But if ignorance completely disappears ...
Contemporary Indian philosophy, Rama Shanker Srivastava
- 1965 - 398 pages
Sri Aurobindo conceives that Consciousness is Force. The Absolute is also Bliss. It is Joy and Delight. The Upanisad reads, "From Ananda all existences are born — by Ananda they remain in being and increase, to Ananda they depart. ...
Sri Aurobindo conceives that Consciousness is Force. The Absolute is also Bliss. It is Joy and Delight. The Upanisad reads, "From Ananda all existences are born — by Ananda they remain in being and increase, to Ananda they depart. ...
Christ in India: essays towards a Hindu-Christian dialogue, Bede Griffiths
- 1967 - 249 pages
What is of particular interest is that Aurobindo conceives this process of return not as a negation of the world of becoming, but as its fulfilment. Spiritual consciousness in his system does not abolish the universe, it takes it up and …
What is of particular interest is that Aurobindo conceives this process of return not as a negation of the world of becoming, but as its fulfilment. Spiritual consciousness in his system does not abolish the universe, it takes it up and …
The "psychic entity" in Aurobindo's The life divine, Roque Ferriols
- 1966 - 157 pages
This task is important because Aurobindo conceives philosophy as a function of reason. If we consider that psychological experience is mainly oriented to the experience of self-identity with the absolute while sense experience is ...
This task is important because Aurobindo conceives philosophy as a function of reason. If we consider that psychological experience is mainly oriented to the experience of self-identity with the absolute while sense experience is ...
Sri Aurobindo's philosophy of evolution, V. Madhusudan Reddy
- 1966 - 385 pages
great Acharyas of the Vedanta as to Plato and Spinoza. Pluralists, of course, have escaped their difficulty but they have done so at the cost of truth. The Absolute Reality, as Sri Aurobindo conceives it, K the triune principle ...
great Acharyas of the Vedanta as to Plato and Spinoza. Pluralists, of course, have escaped their difficulty but they have done so at the cost of truth. The Absolute Reality, as Sri Aurobindo conceives it, K the triune principle ...
Sri Aurobindo conceives of removing the first obstacle to accuracy and sensitiveness — the nervous-emotional' by means of the purification of the 'nervous system, previously referred to as nadi-shuddhi. The second obstacle that he ...
The best kind of moral training that Sri Aurobindo conceives of is, 'to habituate himself to right emotions, the noblest associations, the best mental, emotional and physical habits and the following out in right action of the ...
With the modern four-dimensional theory of space-time, Sri Aurobindo conceives space and time as interwoven like warp and woof. With the theories of Quanta and Relativity and the principle of indeterminancy, modern physics has arrived ...
Philosophical & Socio. - Page 101, M.h.siddiqui
The best kind of moral training for a man, that Sri Aurobindo conceives of is, 'to habituate himself to the right emotions, the noblest associations, the best mental, emotional and physical habits and the following out in right action ...
The best kind of moral training for a man, that Sri Aurobindo conceives of is, 'to habituate himself to the right emotions, the noblest associations, the best mental, emotional and physical habits and the following out in right action ...
The philosophy of Sri Aurobindo 1963 - 191 pages
and Leibnitz believe it to be blind, while Sri Aurobindo conceives it as conscious. Finally, this group conceives die world as manifestation. ...
and Leibnitz believe it to be blind, while Sri Aurobindo conceives it as conscious. Finally, this group conceives die world as manifestation. ...
The philosophy of Sri Aurobindo, Ram Nath Sharma
- 1960 - 191 pages
With modern four-dimensional theory of Space-Time, Sri Aurobindo conceives Space and Time as intervened like warp and woof. To supreme Truth consciousness, Time is an eternal present, ...
With modern four-dimensional theory of Space-Time, Sri Aurobindo conceives Space and Time as intervened like warp and woof. To supreme Truth consciousness, Time is an eternal present, ...
Aurobindo, his life and religious thought, Herbert Jai Singh
- 1962 - 41 pages
Just as the higher stage was involved in the lower, so also in the process of evolution, the lower characters are " taken up into the higher evolved being".16 The Eightfold Chord of Being Aurobindo conceives of reality in terms of eight ...
Just as the higher stage was involved in the lower, so also in the process of evolution, the lower characters are " taken up into the higher evolved being".16 The Eightfold Chord of Being Aurobindo conceives of reality in terms of eight ...
Aspects of religion in Indian society, Lalita Prasad Vidyarthi
- 1961 - 410 pages
They transform the world and ceaselessly spiritualise it. Sri Aurobindo conceivesthat the gnostic consciousness is all pervasive. It is connected with the earth consciousness, and thereby shapes and ...
They transform the world and ceaselessly spiritualise it. Sri Aurobindo conceivesthat the gnostic consciousness is all pervasive. It is connected with the earth consciousness, and thereby shapes and ...
The integral philosophy of Sri Aurobindo: a commemorative symposium, Haridas Chaudhuri, Frederic Spiegelberg
- 1960 - 350 pages
The light created by the one is supremely beyond that created by the other, yet the outlines of what they illuminate are similar. The 'gnostic being' 3 which Aurobindo conceives as the goal of evolution emerges as a sort of colossal, ...
The meeting of the East and the West in Sri Aurobindo's philosophy Sisir Kumar Maitra
- 1956 - 451 pages
Yes, that is how Sri Aurobindo conceives this highest condition. It is the direct antithesis of the separationist and isolationist view which looks upon it as consisting in total ...
Yes, that is how Sri Aurobindo conceives this highest condition. It is the direct antithesis of the separationist and isolationist view which looks upon it as consisting in total ...
Sri Aurobindo, Indian poet, philosopher and mystic, George Harry Langley
- 1949 - 134 pages
Aurobindo conceives the various modes as forming a hierarchy in which the higher emerges from the lower, and in emerging appropriates, transforms, and masters it. Thus life emerges from physical process, consciousness from life, ...
Aurobindo conceives the various modes as forming a hierarchy in which the higher emerges from the lower, and in emerging appropriates, transforms, and masters it. Thus life emerges from physical process, consciousness from life, ...
Out of these moral experience arises, but Aurobindo conceives such experience as belonging to a temporary, though all-important, passage from a lower condition, in which the relation between particular or individual entities and ...
Annual Sri Aurobindo mandir, Calcutta - 1946
Yes, that is how Sri Aurobindo conceives this highest condition. It is the direct antithesis of the separa- tionist and isolationist view which looks upon it as consisting in total detachment from the world, which finds favour in ...
Yes, that is how Sri Aurobindo conceives this highest condition. It is the direct antithesis of the separa- tionist and isolationist view which looks upon it as consisting in total detachment from the world, which finds favour in ...
Calcutta review University of Calcutta , University of Calcutta ... - 1948
Further, Aurobindo conceives spiritual experience as knowledge by identity. He illustrates knowledge by identity by our knowledge of Psychical elements. When we are aware of anger, says he, we in effect become anger, ...
Further, Aurobindo conceives spiritual experience as knowledge by identity. He illustrates knowledge by identity by our knowledge of Psychical elements. When we are aware of anger, says he, we in effect become anger, ...
The Modern schoolman St. Louis University . College of Philosophy ... - 1951
"Since Aurobindo conceives the supramental reality as "the universal One" (cf. Life Divine
, II, Part II, 47-48), he fears that by defining God as a person we might make God a limited being. Hence he insists over and over again that the ...
"Since Aurobindo conceives the supramental reality as "the universal One" (cf. Life Divine
Philosophy East and West Project Muse - 1952
And this motionless calm at the center is detachment as it is also blessedness and enlightenment. Aurobindo conceives that the enlightenment consciousness, now achieved only by a rare few, might, ...
And this motionless calm at the center is detachment as it is also blessedness and enlightenment. Aurobindo conceives that the enlightenment consciousness, now achieved only by a rare few, might, ...
The Modern schoolman St. Louis University . College of Philosophy ... - 1952
Both assumptions he declared absurd, since God must remain self-subsistent and indivisible. Given such an immanence as Aurobindo conceives, transcendence remains only a word ; it amounts to unknowability or, more accurately, ...
Both assumptions he declared absurd, since God must remain self-subsistent and indivisible. Given such an immanence as Aurobindo conceives, transcendence remains only a word ; it amounts to unknowability or, more accurately, ...
Journal of Sri Aurobindo Study Society Aurobindo Ghose - 1957
But this charge brought against the mere intellect forms pan of the explanation of world-evolution as Sri Aurobindo conceives it. The universe, the whole of creation in which the Divine is involved, is evolving imperceptibly towards a ...
But this charge brought against the mere intellect forms pan of the explanation of world-evolution as Sri Aurobindo conceives it. The universe, the whole of creation in which the Divine is involved, is evolving imperceptibly towards a ...
Documentation politique internationale International Political Science Association ... - 1957
Unlike Hegel, Aurobindo conceives of the state as a means and never as an end. Aurobindo does not have a theory of the general will, for he identifies the mind of the community with the totality of the individual minds and does not ...
Unlike Hegel, Aurobindo conceives of the state as a means and never as an end. Aurobindo does not have a theory of the general will, for he identifies the mind of the community with the totality of the individual minds and does not ...
Journal of social research Council of Social and Cultural Research (Bihar ... - 1961
They transform the world and ceaselessly spiritualise it. Sri Aurobindo conceivesthat the gnostic consciousness is all pervasive. It is connected with the earth consciousness, and thereby shapes and ...
They transform the world and ceaselessly spiritualise it. Sri Aurobindo conceivesthat the gnostic consciousness is all pervasive. It is connected with the earth consciousness, and thereby shapes and ...
Darshana international 1961
In such a case all that we can say is that the integral standpoint, as Sri Aurobindo conceives it, is a new one and if it be accepted, there is hardly any need of introducing the idea of Maya as an original illusion. i. ...
In such a case all that we can say is that the integral standpoint, as Sri Aurobindo conceives it, is a new one and if it be accepted, there is hardly any need of introducing the idea of Maya as an original illusion. i. ...
Religion and society Christian Institute for the Study of Religion ... - 1967
The Human Personality as Described by SrI Aurobindo Sri Aurobindo conceivesof the human personality as a many-dimensioned whole. The aim of Srt Aurobindo's yoga is to teach the sadhaka to discover the totality of his personality, ...
The Human Personality as Described by SrI Aurobindo Sri Aurobindo conceivesof the human personality as a many-dimensioned whole. The aim of Srt Aurobindo's yoga is to teach the sadhaka to discover the totality of his personality, ...
Mother India Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1967
Love, as Sri Aurobindo conceives it, is a primal power of sacrifice and its puissance is immense; it can perform marvels, its passage is swift and it pervades all the things of the unverse from the most ethereal stars to the most crude ...
Love, as Sri Aurobindo conceives it, is a primal power of sacrifice and its puissance is immense; it can perform marvels, its passage is swift and it pervades all the things of the unverse from the most ethereal stars to the most crude ...
Darshana international 1972
Now, we shall first explain the nature of the ultimate Reality as described above and then try to understand how Sri Aurobindo conceives the cosmos that follows from it. Reality in true nature, Pure Existence We should point one thing ...
Now, we shall first explain the nature of the ultimate Reality as described above and then try to understand how Sri Aurobindo conceives the cosmos that follows from it. Reality in true nature, Pure Existence We should point one thing ...
Indian philosophical quarterly Pratap Centre of Philosophy (Amalner, India ... - 1973
But in understanding evolution there is a great difference between their views owing to the influence of their philosophies. Shri Aurobindo conceives of it in terms of ...
But in understanding evolution there is a great difference between their views owing to the influence of their philosophies. Shri Aurobindo conceives of it in terms of ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1974
One could characterise by five words the idea that Sri Aurobindo conceives of the ascending evolution: ...
One could characterise by five words the idea that Sri Aurobindo conceives of the ascending evolution: ...
The Aryan path Indian Institute of World Culture - 1976
The best kind of moral training that Aurobindo conceives of is to habituate oneself to right emotions; the noblest associations; the best mental, emotional, aw: physical habits; and the following out in right action of the fundamental ...
The best kind of moral training that Aurobindo conceives of is to habituate oneself to right emotions; the noblest associations; the best mental, emotional, aw: physical habits; and the following out in right action of the fundamental ...
Darshana international 1975
Hence, Aurobindo conceives of a higher reason or 'the Logic of the Infinite 1 which is comprehensive and all embracing. It reconciles all diversities and multiplicities of human life. Thus, it is able to apprehend the reality as a whole ...
Hence, Aurobindo conceives of a higher reason or 'the Logic of the Infinite 1 which is comprehensive and all embracing. It reconciles all diversities and multiplicities of human life. Thus, it is able to apprehend the reality as a whole ...
Darshana international 1976
Hence, Aurobindo conceives of a higher reason or the 'Logic of the Infinite* which is Divine, all-comprehensive, all embracing and indivisible. This 'Logic of the Infinite' is in real sense intuition and as such it reconciles all ...
Hence, Aurobindo conceives of a higher reason or the 'Logic of the Infinite* which is Divine, all-comprehensive, all embracing and indivisible. This 'Logic of the Infinite' is in real sense intuition and as such it reconciles all ...
Bulletin of the Department of English University of Calcutta . Dept. of English - 1977
seers, Sri Aurobindo 'identifies the poetic activity of man with his highest spiritual aspiration of which a poem is a living concrete symbol.' When Sri Aurobindo conceives poetry as the expression of the highest spiritual consciousness ...
seers, Sri Aurobindo 'identifies the poetic activity of man with his highest spiritual aspiration of which a poem is a living concrete symbol.' When Sri Aurobindo conceives poetry as the expression of the highest spiritual consciousness ...
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1977
flow of life towards matter; but Sri Aurobindo conceives of the ultimate Reality as Consciousness-Force, a single movement and its self- limitation for the purpose of creation. ...
flow of life towards matter; but Sri Aurobindo conceives of the ultimate Reality as Consciousness-Force, a single movement and its self- limitation for the purpose of creation. ...
Hindu patterns of liberation Open University. AD 208 Course Team - 1978 - 137 pages
(Table 2) and from both 'The Teaching of Sri Aurobindo' (Reader, §2.9.1) and 'Man a Transitional Being' (Reader, §2.9.4), Sri Aurobindo conceives of evolution as the second of three processes which constitute the real world. ...
(Table 2) and from both 'The Teaching of Sri Aurobindo' (Reader, §2.9.1) and 'Man a Transitional Being' (Reader, §2.9.4), Sri Aurobindo conceives of evolution as the second of three processes which constitute the real world. ...
Socialist perspective Council for Political Studies - 1978
If he were an animal he could not be self-reliant, and it would not be possible for him to overcome the relative dependence of animals' upon nature for subsistence SriAurobindo conceives of an individual who owes his origin to a ...
If he were an animal he could not be self-reliant, and it would not be possible for him to overcome the relative dependence of animals' upon nature for subsistence SriAurobindo conceives of an individual who owes his origin to a ...
Journal of religious studies Punjabi University . Dept. of Religious Studies - 1979
both Teilhard and Aurobindo conceive a Kingdom of Heaven on earth, but Teilhard conceives the achievement of this to be the symbol for transcending the planet earth whereas Aurobindo conceives earth as the locus of the Life Divine....
both Teilhard and Aurobindo conceive a Kingdom of Heaven on earth, but Teilhard conceives the achievement of this to be the symbol for transcending the planet earth whereas Aurobindo conceives earth as the locus of the Life Divine....
Journal of South Asian literature Michigan State University . Asian Studies Center - 1988
Aurobindo conceives of evolution as the unfolding of spirit in matter through the conscious participation of human beings.23 The Vedas come from the early period of human development, that Aurobindo calls the intuitive period, ...
Aurobindo conceives of evolution as the unfolding of spirit in matter through the conscious participation of human beings.23 The Vedas come from the early period of human development, that Aurobindo calls the intuitive period, ...
Religion and society Christian Institute for the Study of Religion ... - 1989
2 Sri Aurobindo conceives of the Divine Mother, the consciousness-force of the Absolute as the sole source of power. In the Absolute's transcendent aspect, She is the unmoved power of potentiality.4* In the cosmic aspect, She manifests ...
2 Sri Aurobindo conceives of the Divine Mother, the consciousness-force of the Absolute as the sole source of power. In the Absolute's transcendent aspect, She is the unmoved power of potentiality.4* In the cosmic aspect, She manifests ...
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1989
The indivisible Consciousness (akhanda Caitanya) cannot possibly originate division and differentiation on its own. Hence Sri Aurobindo conceives Supermind as the self-realising, self-determining, self-fulfilling power ...
The indivisible Consciousness (akhanda Caitanya) cannot possibly originate division and differentiation on its own. Hence Sri Aurobindo conceives Supermind as the self-realising, self-determining, self-fulfilling power ...
Journal of South Asian literature Michigan State University . Asian Studies Center - 1989
Aurobindo conceives of evolution as the unfolding of spirit in matter through the conscious participation of human beings.23 The Vedas come from the early period of human development, that Aurobindo calls the intuitive period, ...
Aurobindo conceives of evolution as the unfolding of spirit in matter through the conscious participation of human beings.23 The Vedas come from the early period of human development, that Aurobindo calls the intuitive period, ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1991
Sri Aurobindo conceives his yoga as "the path which allows you to realize within yourself the truth of God," says the author. Perhaps it is difficult to say something more informative in so short an entry. At least the reference to two ...
Sri Aurobindo conceives his yoga as "the path which allows you to realize within yourself the truth of God," says the author. Perhaps it is difficult to say something more informative in so short an entry. At least the reference to two ...
Yearly review University of Delhi . Dept. of English - 1992
Sri Aurobindo conceives of the Romantics accordingly as poets 24 Virginia Woolf, 'Not One of Us', in Collected Essays by Virginia Woo// (London , 1967), Vol. 4, p. 20. 25 Courthope, A History, op. cit., p. 278. ^JA Symonds, Shelley (1878 ...
Sri Aurobindo conceives of the Romantics accordingly as poets 24 Virginia Woolf, 'Not One of Us', in Collected Essays by Virginia Woo// (
Journal of South Asian literature Michigan State University . Asian Studies Center - 1993
Poetry is no exception, and here Aurobindo conceives of an evolutionary development of poetry, which is "an index of an advance of the cultural mind of humanity" (FP, p. 249). In The Future Poetry
, Aurobindo evaluates English poetry for ...
Poetry is no exception, and here Aurobindo conceives of an evolutionary development of poetry, which is "an index of an advance of the cultural mind of humanity" (FP, p. 249). In The Future Poetry
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1995
Sri Aurobindo conceives a change in the world which would be inhabited by integral personalities and Gnostic beings who have transformed their own consciousness and undertake their work for permanent establishment of the Divine in ...
Sri Aurobindo conceives a change in the world which would be inhabited by integral personalities and Gnostic beings who have transformed their own consciousness and undertake their work for permanent establishment of the Divine in ...
Gaveshaṇā Sri Aurobindo International Centre of ... - 1995
It is perhaps not necessary to point out that Sri Aurobindo conceives of Brahman as Shakti, as dynamic Force of self-manifestation as individual selves and the world. But the power of self-manifestation of Brahman is the supermind which ...
It is perhaps not necessary to point out that Sri Aurobindo conceives of Brahman as Shakti, as dynamic Force of self-manifestation as individual selves and the world. But the power of self-manifestation of Brahman is the supermind which ...
Mother India: monthly review of culture Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1996
This Infinite Energy is Bhawani, She is also Durga, She is Kali, She is Radha the Beloved, She is Lakshmi, She is our Mother and the Creatress of us all. SriAurobindo conceives of the whole world growing full of the Mother as shakti. ...
This Infinite Energy is Bhawani, She is also Durga, She is Kali, She is Radha the Beloved, She is Lakshmi, She is our Mother and the Creatress of us all. SriAurobindo conceives of the whole world growing full of the Mother as shakti. ...
The Advent Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1999
Sri Aurobindo conceives of spiritual society wherein individuals can find their true liberation, ...
Sri Aurobindo conceives of spiritual society wherein individuals can find their true liberation, ...
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