Nevertheless partly we agree with Aurobindo. In the Kantian tradition there is the 'intelligible world', ... In a way, Aurobindo's theory of evolution resembles Lyod Morgan and Samuel Alexander's theory of emergent evolution. ...
According to Samuel Alexander, the whole process of the universe is a historic growth from space-time. The original matrix is space-time. Time is the mind of space. In course of time, space-time breaks up into finites of ever- ...
Environment Evolution & Values - Page 81, D.P. Chattopadhyaya - 2007 - 332 pages
His concepts and expressions anticipate those of Lloyd Morgan, Sri Aurobindo, Samuel Alexander and Teilhard. According to him, "evolution is an integration of matter and concomitant dissipation of motion, during which the matter passes ... [History, Culture and Truth: Essays Presented to D.P. Chattopadhyaya, Economic History of India from Eighteenth to Twentieth Century: History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civlization v. 8, pt. 3, Women of India: Colonial and Post-Colonial Periods: History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization (Vol. IX, Part 3), Societies, Cultures and Ideologies, Induction, Probability, and Skepticism (S U N Y Series in Philosophy), Language Logic and Science in India: Some Conceptual and Historical Perspectives (Phispc Monograph Series on History of Philosophy, Science and Culture in India, No 4), Self, Society and Science: Theoretical and History Perspectives (History of Indian Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization, Vol. XI, pt. 2), Natural Science of the Ancient Hindus (Icpr Series in Philosophy of Natural and Social Sciences), Sociology, Ideology and Utopia: Socio-Political Philosophy of East and West (Philosophy of History and Culture)] Hellenistic Science and Culture in the Last Three Centuries BC (New York: WW Norton & Company. 1970). 9. Such philosophies have been offered, among others, by evolutionary thinkers like Samuel Alexander. Sri Aurobindo. ...
Nirvana is not a fact, or, in the pregnant statement of Samuel Alexander: "God as actually possessing deity does not exist ... from which all subsequent writers like Shankara, Ramanuja, Tagore and Aurobindo have drawn their inspiration. ...
impediments to 143-44 Ahimsa 111, 129 Ahriman and Ormuzd 119 Akbar 56 Alexander, Samuel 25, 36 Almond G. 87, ... Karl 113 Behavioralism 100 — and philosophical humanism 45-50 Bentham 149 Berdyaev 40, 44, 120 — and Aurobindo ...
This, Sri Aurobindo says, is "The real Monism, the true Advaita. . .which admits all things as the one Brahman and ... Modern science and some modern western thinkers like Samuel Alexander assure us that the universe is a play of this ...
Alexander, Samuel. Space, Time, and Deity. Macmillan and Co. Ltd., London, 1920. Arendt, Hannah. The Life of the Mind. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1978. Aurobindo, Sri. The Yoga of Self-Perfection. Buchet Chastel, Paris, 1977. ...
There is, for instance, a way to test the truth-value of a mathematical theorem, but this test is based, ... whole or in part) by modern thinkers such as Nicolai Hartmann, Samuel Alexander, Whitehead, Aurobindo, Maritain, Urban, etc. ...
Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library, Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust. ... Samuel Alexander was the first Australian philosopher of note. He was born in Sydney in 1859, moved to Melbourne in childhood, ...
we find them in the light of modern theories of Darwin, Bergson, Samuel Alexander, Whitehead, ... The supramental Yoga has, therefore, been presented by Sri Aurobindo as a practical means by which humanity can be helped and lifted up on ...
See Alexander, Samuel Spectrum Of Consciousness. See Wilber, Ken Spiritual Espousals. ... See Aurobindo System Of Transcendental Idealism. See Schelling, FWJ Szarmach, Paul Introduction To The Medieval Mystics Of Europe, 168, 216, ...
Although Sri Aurobindo has here referred specifically to creative literature, the comments are applicable to all ... of a transcendental consciousness in humanity with the views of another well-known modern thinker: Samuel Alexander. ...
Ranade, RD, A Constructive Survey of Upanisadic Philosophy (Oriental Book Agency, Poona). Samuel, Alexander, Space, Time and Deity, Vol. II (Macmillan London, 1920). ...
Intuition is inarticulate unbroken reality in Sri Aurobindo while it is an inward experience of the spirit in Radhakrishnan, a self-evident truth and an immediate awareness. According to Samuel Alexander the awareness of space and time ...
In one passage, for instance, he names him in line with Fichte, Hegel, Bergson, Whitehead, Samuel Alexander, ... What Sri Aurobindo meant exactly by this epochal event has puzzled many who are otherwise sympathetic to his vision. ...
Advaita, Sadhana, 2, 10, 16 Alexander, Samuel, 71 All this is the Brahman,... 22 Fagles, Robert, 30 Fichte, 56 Four austerities, 3 Four liberations, 3 Freedom of individual, 38-39 Free-will, 39 Freud, 27 Future in Sri Aurobindo, ...
Though some thinkers like Samuel Alexander and Teilhard de Chardin start as naturalists, they end up with a type of ... of qualitative emergence.14 There are others like Hegel and Sri Aurobindo who maintain that super-nature itself is ...
Agape, 80, 98, 100 Agnosticism, ix, 32 Agreement: definitional, 151; observational, 151 Alexander, Samuel, 49, ... 122 Atheism, 74 A/theology, 210-214; deconstruc- tive, 211 Augustine, 11, 107, 181, 210 Aurobindo, Sri, 101, ...
Evolutionary Novelty and Emergence Samuel Alexander, C. Lloyd Morgan, CD Broad, Joseph Needham, Michael Polanyi, and others have developed the idea that evolution produces emergent structures, processes, and laws (or habits) that had ..
The Evolution of Embodied Consciousness During the two centuries since "progress" became a prominent idea in the West, ... Samuel Alexander, C. Lloyd Morgan, Jean Gebser, Charles Hartshorne, Teilhard de Chardin and Sri Aurobindo,...
Naturalism Alexander, Samuel. Space, Time, and Deity. New York: Dover Publications. 1966. ... Aurobindo teaches absolute idealism, a form of supernaturalism that holds that all being originated from one all- inclusive mind called the ...
ranging from Nietzsche's superman to the emergent evolution of Samuel Alexander and the creative evolution of Henri ... Strangely enough, in this domain the French Jesuit was preceded by an Oriental, namely Sri Aurobindo, who in his...
Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, p. 276. 4. Edmund Husserl, Ideas: General Introduction to Phenomenology, 242-3. 5. JP Sartre, The Transcendence of the Ego. 6. Samuel Alexander, Space, Time and Deity, Vol. II, p. 82 7. ... Samuel Alexander, Space, Time, and Deity, (New York: Dover, 1966), ...Aurobindo capitalizes Matter, Life, and Mind when they denote metaphysical principles. 80. Aurobindo Ghose, The Life Divine, pp. 241-42. ...
It not only examines the philosophy of evolution propounded by philosophers like Charles Darwin, Henri Bergson, Samuel Alexander, Lloyd Morgan, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Alfred North Whitehead, Sri Aurobindo, The Mother, etc. but also ...
Vaṇījyotiḥ Utkal University P.G. Dept. of Sanskrit – 1987 Emergent Theory of Evolution of Samuel Alexander. But Sri Aurobindo- holds an ... need of following the rhythm of thought as it manifests itself, since thought is not its essence, thought is only an evolute at a certain state. ...
... 2 Alexander, Samuel, 43, 48, 85-86 Aloneness, see Kaivalya Anaximander, 41 Animal behaviour, 28-29 Annam, ... 107 Atheism, concept of, 9, 74 and mukti 116-17 Augustine, 26, 32 Aurobindo, and concept of evolution, 86-88 Avijja and ...
Sri Aurobindo reconciled the extremes of matter and spirit by introducing the concept of evolution in his integral non-dualism. In the West, Bergson, Alexander and Whitehead have propounded theories of evolution in Metaphysics. ...
Alexander Samuel, 341. Antaryamin-manifestation ...
Philosopher like Samuel Alexander holds that unconscious matrix of Space-Time is the ultimate source out of which all things and events are evolved. But, according to Sri Aurobindo, such explanation offered by both scientists as well as ...
A 'realistic' emergentism was developed by Samuel Alexander and Conwy Lloyd Morgan. Samuel Alexander (1859-1938), an Australian who studied mathematics and classics at Oxford, was elected to a Fellowship at Lincoln College, ...
Today Nature as a living organism is seen in the developing philosophies of Samuel Alexander, AN Whitehead, Sri Aurobindo, and Teilhard de Chardin. All of nature is one organic whole. Everything is interrelated in a dynamic way. ...
Maulavi 159 Alexander, Samuel, 225 Ajmal Khan , Hakim, 162 Ali, Maulana Mohammed 162, 164- 165, 174 Ali, ... Sabha 9 Aurobindo, Sri 93, 97, 132, 134-135, 137-139, 141-143, 145, 157; Philosophy 146 Azad, Maulana Abul Kalam 121, 164,
During the last several decades, the poets have tried to make the Word once again a winged instrument of the spirit, ... itself is being viewed in a new way by twentieth century thinkers like Bergson, Lloyd Morgan and Samuel Alexander, ...
Plato, Locke and Rousseau were the great educators of the West as much as Gandhi, Tagore and Sri Aurobindo in the East. ... Samuel Alexander was very particular of the Method of Philosophy and this Method of Philosophy must necessarily ...
Aurobindo maintains no dualism within his philosophy and holds to a variety of different intensities of intuition, ie, Higher mind, ... The third philosopher in the West whose philosophy is similar to Aurobindo's is Samuel Alexander. ...
INDEX ABHEDANANDA, Swami 4 n Alexander, Samuel 4 Anselm 24 Aparoksanubhuti or Self- Realization 53,76n Aquinas, St. Thomas 22 Aristotle 1, 22, 52, 82, 93 (The) Art of Life 5n Aurobindo, Sri 66, 67n 115 BARNES, Winston HF 82n Barnett, ...
Only Samuel Alexander's Emergent Evolution comes somewhat closer to that of Aurobindo's. But paradoxically, it is the Space-Time that constitute the metaphysical absolute for Alexander. In such a scheme of things the entire reality is ...
Teilhard may have avoided plain static pantheism, but does he not visibly lapse into some sort of dynamic pantheism, after the manner of a Samuel Alexander, if not of Hegel? The flaw of all monistic philosophies consists in absorbing ... [Sri Aurobindo's Treatment of Hindu Myth] Orgar gaa- sover ook Samuel Alexander op te nemen in de rij van Europeanen dieAurobindo ... 10 Het verschil tussen de progressieve leer van Aurobindo en de traditionele cyclische leer is oa opgemerkt door 3.K. Maitra, The ...
Have students of Sri Aurobindo and Chardin specific hypotheses to offer in this difficult terrain ? We may censure Samuel Alexander for producing countless rabbits and pigeons out of his empty hat, space-time. ...
The chapters in this section include one on Aurobindo, a modern counterpart of the ancient risis and founder of a noted ... CL Morgan and Samuel Alexander, the philosophers of Emergent Evolution, Whitehead's philosophy of Organism, ...
The Spititual Evolution or the progressive evolution of Sri Aurobindo seems to be definite improvement over both the ... Spencers' Cosmic evolution, Bergson's Creative evolution and the Emergent evolution of Samuel Alexander and Llyod ...
93 A Comparative Study of the Philosophic-Ethical doctrines of Communism and Anasakti Yoga. 94 A Critical Study of the Metaphysics of Swami ... 100 Samuel Alexander and Sri Aurobindo. 101 Sri Aurobindo ka Dharma ...
Towards eternity; Sri Aurobindo birth centenary volume, 15th ... 1973 - 526 pages
Then there is a whole lot of the Philosophers of emergent evolution — Samuel Alexander, C. Lloyd Morgan and others who envisage the possibility of a higher quality in man. Science, sustained by philosophy, thus sees nothing unscientific ... in der Philosophie deutbar, denkt man etwa an Samuel Alexander, Alfred North Whitehead, Nicolai Hartmann und Hans Reichenbach wie andere, ... Yoga durch den lnder Sri Aurobindo , aber auch durch PJ Saher von Asien her ergänzt wird. ...
the thesis being Some Considerations of the Philosophical Position of Samuel Alexander with special reference to his Theology. ... About the same time I became interested in Sri Aurobindo, and the issue Sankara vis-a- ...
In the third place, whereas God, according to Alexander, always remains transcendent to the world, He, according to Whitehead and Aurobindo, is destined to be embodied in the world leading to the apotheosis of the latter. ...
Cycle cosmique 50, 67, 169, 193 Agni 59, 61-66 Alexander (Samuel) 193 âme 76, 77, 78, 80, 81, 97, 104, 110, 113, ... épouse d'Aurobindo) 15, 25-26 Bouddha, bouddhisme 76, 87, 89, 158, 192, 193 Brahma, Brahman 17, 18, 24, 36, 37, 70, ...
Zygon Joint Publication Board of the Institute on ... – 1969 Henri Bergson, Creative Evolution (New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1911); Samuel Alexander, Space, Time, ... The Word Incarnate (New York: Harper & Bros., 1959); Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine (Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1960). ...
Then there is a whole lot of the philosophers of emergent evolution — Samuel Alexander, G. Llyod Morgan and others ... Christ, Sri Aurobindo and others who "like the single drops which sparkle in the sun as they are flung far ahead of ...
Further as Sri Aurobindo who was fully conversant with the theories of Creative Evolution of Henri Bergson, of emergent evolution of Lloyd Morgan and of Samuel Alexander, and of course the ...