Sunday, December 08, 2019

Overman - a consciously evolving future human being


JM Gidley - Critical Terms in Futures Studies, 2019
… Synchronously, Indian political activist Sri Aurobindo conceived the notion of an “Overman,” a consciously evolving future human being (Aurobindo [1914] 2000). Both … humanity? References. Aurobindo, Sri. [1914] 2000. The life divine …

[PDF] Everyday Aesthetics in Indian Cultural Communities

HM Tapaswi - 2019
… Aurobindo's (1997, p. 145) classifies beauty into four types – sensuous beauty, intellectual beauty, imaginative beauty and ideal beauty … This kind of beauty, according to Aurobindo, can be considered as intellectual beauty …

[HTML] Nurturing Employee Creativity. By James Houran & Gene A. Ference Wednesday, 30th August 2006

ITB Berlin, ABA Progams
… For this reason it is commonly referred to as the "reptilian brain." It is rigid, obsessive, ritualistic, and filled with "ancestral memories" (corresponding to what Sri Aurobindo called the "mechanical mind" and perhaps tangentially …

Sri Aurobindo and Hinduism.

Social & Political Aspects of Colonial India as envisioned by Sri Aurobindo
 Dr. Debashri R Banerjee

[PDF] Anthony Burke and Rita Parker: Global Insecurities: Futures of Global Chaos and Governance.

M Zemanová - Czech Journal of International Relations, 2019
… The author portrays the current era of transition as moving away from the state-centric approaches of … Chapter 15, “The International Governance of Forced Migration”, written by Savitri Taylor, Chapter 16, “Three Generations …

Of Bliss and Love: Methodological "Play" in Hindu-Christian Comparative Theology

Truth, Diversity, and the Incomplete Project of Modern Hinduism (2008)
 Jeffery Long
2008, Hermeneutics and Hindu Thought: Toward a Fusion of …

Review of HUDSON, EMILY T. Disorienting Dharma: Ethics and the Aesthetics of Suffering in the Mahabharata....
 Brian Collins

[PDF] The Meaning and Making of Supramental Vision with Reference to the Poetry of Sri Aurobindo

A Kumari, DK Sharma - Journal of the Gujarat Research Society, 2019
As far as Indian thoughts and literature are concerned, Sri Aurobindo stands as a profound yogi, mystic and aesthetician shining brightly and spreading his light in the sky of life and literature. His own yogic experiences were deeply rooted in the …

Woman for Woman: Langley's Oriane in A House in Pondicherry

AK Gupta, S Jain - Glass Ceiling and Ambivalent Sexism (Critical …, 2019
… Dr. Ashish Kumar Gupta, Dr. Sarita Jain herself born in India, in Calcutta, had a special place for India and describes its rich beauty as well. Langley writes in acknowledgment in her book HIP1 and says: Auroville and Sri …

[PDF] Subjectivity under domination: a dialogue between Nandy's' the intimate enemy'and Dangarembga's' nervous conditions'

LR Castro - Revista Psicologia Política, 2019
… As vidas do escritor Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) e do escritor, ativista e iogue indiano Sri Aurobindo (1872-1950) são estudadas e contrastadas em relação às escolhas que cada um faz para levar uma vida mais desejável …