Graham Harman on Slavoj Žižek
Reading Zizek's The Incontinence of the Void. Insightful and entertaining, but the mere dismissal of the new realisms isn't helpful at all.
Does Zizek really think Hegel and Lacan said it all, and that he has nothing more to learn? That's a purely defensive posture.
Z.'s youthful energy and productivity continue to amaze. Would be nice to see more willingness on his part to argue basic issues.
I think he's done real philosophy and will do more. But no need to dump on those younger and pretend they're making child-like mistakes.
I'm speaking from specific disappointment over at beginning of his new book. If "racing the clock," why waste clock time with cheap shots?
It doesn't look that way. He seems unable to view realism as anything more than a silly recursion to pre-Lacanian thought. Real contempt.
Paul Livingston's NDPR review of my co-authored book with DeLanda:
Flat ontology doesn't mean that everything gets equal status in the end, only equal status at the beginning.
Or rather, that's true of OOO, with its difference btwn. real/sensual. Latour is more a case where everything remains equal, qua *actor.*
We are pleased to announce Prof. Graham Harman as Editor-in-Chief of "Open Philosophy".
[Christoph Antweiler reasserts cross-cultural commonalities for life and co-existence approach humanity in its entirety, understanding the world less as a globe, with an emphasis on differences, but as a planet, from a vantage point open to commonalities.]
[Any realistic cosmopolitanism must proceed from an understanding of humankind as one entity without requiring us to re-design cultures to fit on with some sort of global template.]
[Boyer provides a new picture of cultural transmission that draws on the pragmatics of human communication, the constructive nature of memory in human brains, and human motivation for group formation and cooperation.]
As the Mother put it, Sri Aurobindo, the deceased master, gave her a vision: “India has become the symbolic representation of all the difficulties of modern mankind India will be the land of its resurrection — the resurrection to a higher mind and truer life.” The future of humankind, in other words, would be shaped in India, in a ...
Daily Mail-12-Dec-2017
He was restless and searching for the purpose of life. Sri Aurobindo had left his body in 1950, but Frederick was fortunate to meet the Mother (Mirra Alfassa), Sri Aurobindo'sspiritual partner and successor: 'She changed my life by shifting my consciousness.' In a sense, Frederick had found not only his home but also soul.
The Asian Age-07-Dec-2017
From the beginning, Sri Aurobindo entrusted the Mother with full material and spiritual charge of the ashram. Everything in the ashram is her creation; every initiative draws inspiration from her and moves towards her vision. Interestingly, the Mother was well acquainted with the Baha'i Faith, having met 'Abdu'l-Baha (son of ...
Dear Joe, Kashyap, and Vinod ji,
[1] Vinod: Another related issue is if a physical structure is not defined and describable by its physical functions, is there any other way to define/describe the structure?
McCard: Agreed, Ram has not been explicit, but, I think it fair to say he would agree to the following: Joe wrote: Physical structure can be defined as a pattern of physical energy.
Vimal: In the eDAM, one of the important postulates is that the information is the same in both aspects, so they are inseparable. In other words, whatever is going on physical aspect is also going on in the mental aspect of a state of the information in an entity. Ontology of the aspects is the ontology of information. If viewed from 3pp, the 3pp-physical aspect is physical structure and physical function. If viewed from 1pp, the 1pp-mental aspect is mental structure and mental function. So, what is wrong if we say 1pp-mental function = 3pp-physical function if the information is the same and it is just viewing the same information from two different perspectives 1pp or 3pp.
[2] Vasavada: Let me jump little bit in your debate with Ram! A man and a woman feel attraction to each other by looking (reflections of light from each other and their eyes processing and somehow converting into mental aspect.) Similarly about sound waves of speech. Now an electron and a proton feel attraction by exchanging photons. This is quantum mechanics. If there is a very primitive amount of consciousness related to QM, then this process could be similar. We do not know whether consciousness has anything to do with QM or not. But we cannot rule out this out rightly! So there could be a little bit of mental aspect (most likely hidden to us) in the fundamental particles.
Vimal: I agree with Kashyap. You may like to look at dual-aspect panpsychism, which hypothesizes that inert entities also have some rudiment functional sub-aspect of consciousness (see also 2009f); (Vimal, 2010d)). Let us not degrade inert entities because they are also manifestations of dual-aspect unmanifested Brahman (primal entity). Vinodji argues that Brahman is a privileged entity; I argue for democracy; his argument is related to master-slave relationship, which is old now and obsolete; my argument is related to equality, i.e., “All (entities) in One (Brahman) and One is All”.
Kind regards,
Rām Lakhan Pāndey Vimal, Ph.D.
Amarāvati-Hīrāmaṇi Professor (Research)
Vision Research Institute, Physics, Neuroscience, & Consciousness Research Dept.
25 Rita Street, Lowell, MA 01854 USA
"Sadhu-Sanga Under the holy association of Spd. B.M. Puri Maharaja, Ph.D." group. To view this discussion on the web visit
[DOC] Hypotheses about States, Structure-Stages, Consciousness and the Human Brain in Everyday Life
R Angerer
… Spirit. In: IEC 2014 Conference Material Collection, Budapest, 2014. Aurobindo, S. (1942). The life Divine. Pondichery: Sri Aurobindo Ashram. Badre, D., & Wagner, AD (2007). Left …
[PDF] Contrasting Futures for Humanity
JM Gidley - 2017
… During the same period Indian political activist Sri Aurobindo wrote about the Overman who was a type of consciously evolving future human being (Aurobindo, 1914/2000) … References Aurobindo, S. (1914/2000). The Life Divine. 2nd American Edition …