Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Empathy, compassion, personal-development, and wisdom

www.freepressjournal.in › peace-of-mind
By The Mother, Sri Aurobindo Ashram | Nov 22, 2016 01:44 am. FOLLOW US: Aurobindo Ashram Picture credits: booksmarketsandplaces.blogspot.com. For the inner Godhead never imposes herself, she neither ...

The Hindu-17-Nov-2016
Devotees arrived from different places to Sri Aurobindo Ashram on Thursday to pay their respects on the Mother's Mahasamadhi Day that falls on November 17.

Religion News Service-17-Nov-2016
... President, New Evangelicals for the Common Good, USA; Jana Long, Founder, Power of One Yoga, USA; and Sraddhalu Ranade, Sri Aurobindo Ashram, ...

Hindustan Times-13-Nov-2016
I started my study of the Vedas in 1971 through the works of Sri Aurobindo. I learnt Sanskrit language for this. In 1979, MP Pandit of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram ...

Mainstream-8 hours ago
The names of these Indians were: Dr S. Radhakrishnan, Sri Aurobindo, Vinoba Bhave, Mahesh Yogi, Aga Khan III, Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh, H.M. Banerjee, ...

[PDF] Ground, Being, and Evil: From Conspiration to Dialectics of Love
L Skof - Confluence: Journal of World Philosophies, 2016
... In his interpretation of good and evil Wirth focuses on the Bhagavadgita, and among the Indian sources he follows Sri Aurobindo Ghose's reading of this sacred text. ... Schelling, it seems, already wishes to think like Nietzsche, and Aurobindo later did: going beyond good and evil. ...

... They were Rabindranath Tagore, Aurobindo Ghosh, TP Kailasam, ASP Ayyar, Harindranath Chattopadhyaya, Bharati Sarabhai who made a tremendous contribution to the evolution and development of Indian English drama. ...

[PDF] Mother&Apos;S Chronicles, Book 4 Mirra, Sri Aurobindo, On Her Way To Anc 

[PDF] Samurai War Stories Teachings And Tales Of Samurai Warfare ...
[PDF] Nine Buddhist Consciousnesses and Four Psychological Forces: A Review JZG Ma
... scholarly way, while also recognizing the importance of a commitment to transpersonal ideals such as empathy, compassion, personal-development and wisdom, pioneered by [55] (1) William James (1842-1910) in paranormal and religious work; (2) Sri Aurobindo (1872-1950 ...

12 Indian and Arabic Thought in the Liberal Age
CA Bayly - Arabic Thought beyond the Liberal Age: Towards an …, 2016
Page 350. 12 Indian and Arabic Thought in the Liberal Age CA Bayly Albert Hourani's Arabic Thought in the Liberal Age was published just over fifty years ago. Like Roger Owen, I knew Hourani at St Antony's College, Oxford ...14 The Legacies of Arabic Thought in the Liberal Age Rashid Khalidi While preparing remarks for the conference on Albert Hourani at Princeton University that launched the present volume it occurred to me that were ...

... MK Gandhi-Basic Education or Education for self-Sufficiency. Aurobindo Ghosh: Integral Education. J. Krishnamurthi-Education for individual and social transformation. Western philosophers: Plato–Rousseau–Dewey–Froebel–Montessori–Ivan Illich. ...
[PDF] Systems Psyche: Its Structure, Operation and Possible Molecular Links
AK Mukhopadhyay
... As there are layers of consciousness, so there are layers of mind in between (cf, Sri Aurobindo's classification: ordinary mind, intuitive mind, illumined mind, over mind and supermind existing in between different levels of being consciousness). ...