The Modern review
Ramananda Chatterjee - 1941
(Sri Aurobindo and the New Age). And yet in Philosophy India still stands foremost in the world. ... When Schopenhauer read the Upanishads in a Latin translation of a Persian translation from the Sanskrit, he felt that he had at last ...
K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar - 1972
... for two days and then go into the dumps, evolving a gospel of earthquake and Schopenhauer plus the ass and all the rest of it. ... But there can be no doubt about who this Aurobindo is — it is, I presume, Aurobindo the fourth, ...
Kishor Gandhi, Sachidananda Mohanty ... - 1997 - 239 pages
"Apart from man, no being wonders at its own existence," said Schopenhauer. Of course, we can dispute the thesis that the lion who in its ... As Sri Aurobindo says in The Life Divine: The animal is satisfied with a modicum of necessity; ...
Sri Aurobindo: the supramental avatar
V. Madhusudan Reddy - 1972
... the Darwinian theory of evolution, the positivism of Comte, the philosophy of Hegel, Kant, Spinoza and Schopenhauer, ... in a pure and unmistakable manner,2 in the Upanishads. 1. Sri Aurobindo Manual, No. 26, p. 44. 2. Ibid., p. 44. ...
Sri Aurobindo: pt. 1. Avatarhood and human evolution
V. Madhusudan Reddy - 1972
... the Darwinian theory of evolution, the positivism of Comte, the philosophy of Hegel, Kant, Spinoza and Schopenhauer, ... in a pure and unmistakable manner,2 in the Upanishads. 1. Sri Aurobindo Manual, No. 26, p. 44. 2. Ibid., p. ...
Śaivism and the phallic world
Brajamādhaba Bhaṭṭācārya - 1975 - 1048 pages
Schopenhauer missed this embalming living Spirit of Grace. Buddha too had missed it. But what Buddha had missed in ... or Will Power, is a Power Divine, which later was elaborated by Sri Aurobindo. Whereas in the Will of Tantra the ...
Light on Life Problems - Sri Aurobindo's Views on Important Life ...
Kishor Gandhi - 2007 - 240 pages
Endless gratitude is due to Sri Aurobindo for not only sanctioning the proposal to run this series but also for sparing his extremely valuable time to see and approve each instalment of it before publication. Kishor Gandhi April 24, 1950 .
Journal of Sri Aurobindo Study Society
Aurobindo Ghose - 1949
"Rebirth" in Sri Aurobindo's Vision A summary of Part 1, "The Doctrine of Rebirth", which appeared in the last issue ... Many great thinkers, which include Bruno, Schopenhauer, Leibnitz, Fichte, Emerson, Thoreau, have professed a belief ...
Journal of South Asian literature
And yet there are other readers like Kathleen Raine who consider Aurobindo primarily a philosopher and an interpreter of Indian thought.4 In my essay "Sri Aurobindo as a Poet: A Reassessment" I have tried to argue that a proper and ...
Rama Shanker Srivastava - 1968 - 464 pages
... of Hegel or the unconscious Will of Schopenhauer could have served his purpose better and he could use it as the general principle of evolution with far greater success than the principle of the nisus to deity. ...
Sri Aurobindo: The Upanishads; texts, translations and commentaries
Aurobindo Ghose - 1970
... Beethoven, Napoleon, Schopenhauer, the creators in poetry, art, science, music, life or thought, who possessed imagination, we might then have found an use for their unused imaginations in the greater preparatory richness they gave ...
Sri Aurobindo: The supramental manifestation, and other writings
Aurobindo Ghose - 1970
And if this existence were, as the cosmic pessimist imagines, a dream or an illusion or, worse, as Schopenhauer would have it, a delirium and insanity of the soul, we might accept some such law of inconsequent consequence. ...
Contemporary Indian idealism (with special reference to Swami ...
Ripusudan Prasad Srivastava - 1973 - 212 pages
Schopenhauer, a contemporary of Hegel's, had already championed the cause of this theory of Will. He regarded this world to be the manifestation of the Absolute Will. Schelling held that the nature of Reality which Is pure identity of ...
Sri Aurobindo: Letters on yoga
Aurobindo Ghose - 1970
What I want of you besides aspiring for faith? Well, just a little thoroughness and persistence in the method! Don't aspire for two days and then go into the dumps, evolving a gospel of earthquake and Schopenhauer plus the ass ...
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip
: 1934-1935
Sujata Nahar, Michel Danino, Shankar Bandyopadhyay - 2005
Don't aspire for two days and then sulk into the dumps, evolving a gospel of earthquake and Schopenhauer plus the jackal and all the rest of it. Give the Divine a full sporting chance. When he lights something in you or ...
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [by] Nirodbaran
Nirodbaran, Aurobindo Ghose - 1989
Sri Aurobindo: Quite so. That is the well-known Nazi position against the coloured races. ... Sri Aurobindo: He is also depriving coloured people of the Government service. 6 December 1940 M : When the Gita says "I shall deliver you ...
The supramental manifestation, and other writings
Sri Aurobindo - 1989 - 530 pages
Her philosophy was at first a very great but too drily intellectual statement of truths that get their living meaning only in the intuitive experience, but afterwards in Schopenhauer and Nietzsche as in Wagner it developed the intuitive ...
Joseph Vrinte - 2002 - 568 pages
However, for Sri Aurobindo the psychic is an expression of the Divine, while Ken Wilber leaves out this primary oneness with ... 93 When describing the ethics in the Over-Soul, Ken Wilber gives a quotation of Schopenhauer in which he ...
Schopenhauer Gesellschaft - 1977
A de- tailed study of our problem in the philosophy of Sri Aurobindo should pay special attention to his essay The Superman /Pondicherry 1960/, and to the book TheFuture Evolution of Man /ibid. 1963/. The first vol. ...
The Advent
Sri Aurobindo Ashram - 1998
Dr. VP Verma rightly evaluates the political strategy of Sri Aurobindo and remarks: "He was not in full sympathy however, ... 9 Philosophers like Max Muller, Schopenhauer and Emerson were very impressed with India 's rich heritage and ...
Inleiding Comparatieve Filosofie II: Culturen in Het Licht Van Een ... - Page 619
Ulrich Libbrecht - 1999 - 636 pages
288-313. Haym, Rudolf: Die Romantische Schule, 1961. Hecker, Max F. : Schopenhauer und die Indische Philosophie, 1 897. Heeks, P.: Sri Aurobindo, 1989. Hegel, GWF: "Die Phantastische Symbolik" (over Indische kunst), Vorlesungen über die ...
Transformations in consciousness: the metaphysics and epistemology ... - Page 45
Franklin Merrell-Wolff - 1995 - 326 pages
... and even, as in the case of Schopenhauer, is viewed as ontologically identical with original Being. ... capable philosophy of Sri Aurobindo Ghose we find precisely this kind of valuation. To bring out in clear relief an orientation ...
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