Saturday, March 04, 2006

Finders of game gene theory

Claudius – Roman Emperor –F– essay on Claudius the Sceptic. Underrated due to superficial reasons. Was daring and conscientious as well as being expert in fun and games. The Lawmakers Dialogue The Lawmakers Exegesis
Chomsky – Humanist who uses the worst of Plato and Descartes, but somehow is still able to see a genetic component in language – most likely as a way for humanity to have a priviledged vantage point over other life. His scientism is an improvement over Skinner. His linguistic theory is too narrow and unremarkable. It makes more sense using the more general game gene theory for grammer rather than a genetic grammer.
Wittgenstein, Ludwig – F – His concept of language game and his feel for contexts as agents of manipulation makes him very close to discovering the gamegene. In addition he understood that people were solpisistic, rule-followers who could recognize contexts and how they trap human perception.
Walsh, W.H. 1960s Historian – F – clear arguments surround his Philosophy of History and while he later seems to overlook his own conclusions he does deduce that history is a "peculiar sort of game" and for that deserves to be recognized as a finder.
Vischer F T - Derives empathetic enjoyment from art similar to play. Aesthetics. Schillar, Herbert Spencer, agree. Lipps developed it.
Tzara, Tristan– F – One of best thinkers of the last hundred years. - see full assessment
Sade, M (Marquis de) – F – An ethicist who worked backwards from the crime he liked to commit towards an invetigation into nature. Unfortunately when he found crime and inate dispositions for violence to be natural he forgot to notice that unfair state punishment is just as natural.
Erasmus – F – A catholic humanist. Nevertheless, in his book "Praise of Folly", he succeeds in the guise of irony in exposing an accurate account of existence. Whether the game of satire led him to it or not, he uncovered vast numbers of insights into meaning and its creation. While he didn't accept his own observations as conclusive he still can be considered an incidental finder of game gene theory.

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